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She's the girl Silverthorn was telling me about that you're sweet on. You damned fool. Can't you let the women alone when we're in a deal like this! You'll ruin the whole thing! Get her out of here!" Dale eyed the other sullenly, his face bloating with rage. "Look here, Maison; you quit your infernal yappin'. She stays here. I thought at first I'd killed her an' I was goin' to plant her.

He sagged back, resting his weight on the right elbow, and looked steadily at the rider the look of a wounded animal defying his pursuers. "Get goin'!" he jeered. "Do your damnedest! I heard that sneak, Dolver, yappin' to you. You're 'Drag' Harlan gun-fighter, outlaw, killer! I've heard of you," he went on as he saw Harlan scowl and stiffen. "Your reputation has got all over.

"Nobody air ever guilty who gets in jail.... Folks be mostly guilty that air out o' prison to my mind." "That air true, Daddy Skinner," she assented, smiling. "Sure it air true, but it ain't no good reason fer you to be yappin' 'bout Auburn, air it?... Now git that look out of yer eyes, an' tell Tessibel what air troublin' ye!" But Daddy Skinner's grave old face still kept its set expression.

Also his way of addressin' his male parent would give another jolt to a lot of people, I suppose. "Hi, Torchy!" That's his favorite hail. "Reddy yourself, you young freshy," I'm apt to come back at him. Followin' which I scooch to meet his flyin' tackle and we roll on the rug in a clinch, with Buddy yappin' delighted and mixin' in promiscuously.

Bein' president o' this yer Trust I'll do most of the yappin'," he added grimly. "I'm goin' away to-night fer a couple o' days. That's why this meetin's called. An' the object of it is to fix things right for Zip, an' to 'range so he gits a chance to put 'em through.

"You've got me sized up right. The yappin' I done about stickin' to Barbara Morgan wasn't the real goods, eh?" "Certainly not!" laughed Deveny, "there must be some selfish motive behind that." "An' you sure didn't believe me?" "Of course not," chuckled Deveny, for he thought he saw a gleam of insincerity in Harlan's eyes. "Then I've got to do my yappin' all over again," said Harlan.

Any man who thinks it's time to call for a show-down can do his yappin' right now. Them that's dead certain they're through can mosey along, takin' care not to try any monkey business!" He stood, watching, his wide gaze including them all, until, one after another the men in the group silently moved away. They did not go far.

They had been dodgin' th' sheriff purty lively lately, an' they was huntin' Hopalong. Ever since we had to kill their brother in Buckskin they has been yappin' as how they was goin' to wipe us out. Hopalong an' Harris was standin' clost together an' they tried for both. They shot twice, one for Harris an' one for Hopalong, an' what more do yu want?"

"I want a clear space for my getaway." "Where you goin?" asked one of the Clark brothers. "North," replied Billy, "after some of Funston's men on the border." "But they won't cross," said Mr. Harding. "Washington won't let them." "They gotta," snapped Billy Byrne, "an' they will when they know there's an American girl here with a bunch of Dagos yappin' around."

Thinks he can match your gunplay itchin' for trouble bound to have it out with you. We was at the Cache last night, an' I heard him an' Deveny yappin' about it. Deveny's back of him he's sore about the way you handed it to him in Lamo. Keep your eyes peeled; they're pullin' it off pretty soon. Latimer's doin' the shootin' he's tryin' to work himself up to it. Be careful." "I'm thankin' you."