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I dunno but what it'll be a cross to you, Mary, you set so much store by Gilbert, and it's natural, like, that you should want to have him all to y'rself, but a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, or somethin' like it. Yes, I say it, although nobody clove unto me." Mary Potter said nothing.

And now, jus' when y're old enough t' begin payin' me back a little, here y' go t' actin' up! Well, you was left in my hands. I'm only stepfather to y'. All right. But I'm goin' t' see that y' behave y'rself." "You've got nothing to say about me!" she persisted. "No? I'll show y'! But what I want t' know now is, how many times have you met this dude at the noon hour?"

"Clap on to that windlass, sport! No loafing here.... Hump y'rself. D'ye hear me? Hump?" Jeff threw his one hundred and fifty pounds of bone and muscle against the crank of the windlass. Some men would have fought first as long as they could stand and see. Others would have begged, argued, or threatened. But Jeff had schooled himself to master impulses of rage.

It's perfectly ridiculous the way you yell and talk t' y'rself out there on the chips. You beat the hens, I declare if you don't." Lime put on his hat and walked up to the window, and, resting his great bare arms on the sill, and his chin on his arms, said: "Merry, I'm goin' to tackle 'Dad' this afternoon. He'll be settin' up the new seeder, and I'm goin' t' climb right on the back of his neck.

His voice had a confidential purring sound as he stretched across the wagon seat and talked on, eyes half shut. He straightened up at last and concluded in the tone of one who has carried his point: "So! If you didn't want to use the whole twenty five bottles y'rself, why! sell it to your neighbors.

"You come on over here to the fire an' get dried an' if y'll promise to keep it to y'rself, I'll put you wise." So while Kendrick sat on the opposite side of the fire McCorquodale volunteered the information that he was a detective in short, that he was attached to the Special Service Department of the Canadian Lake Shores Railway.

Clean from tip to toe, newly shaven, wearing a crackling white shirt, a linen collar and a new suit of store clothes, he felt himself a man again, fit to meet maidens. His partner, being a married man, was slouching around in his tattered and greasy brown denim overalls. He looked at Ben and grinned. "Got a tag on y'rself?" "No, why?" "Nobod'y know ye, if anything happened on the road.

He could not bring himself to name her, much less indulge in the cheap confessional of tawdry loose held affection. He had heard men discuss their love affairs: men who could discuss them hadn't any; theirs was the sense reflex of the frog that kicks when you tickle its nerve-end. He rode on unspeaking. "Y'll be tellin' y'rself 'tis too sacred to mouthe with an old fellow like me. All right!

"No, sir, A'd be babbling and babbling about the sea! A fall asleep as we ride; an' when A wake from a doze, 'tisn't the sea of sand, 'tis the sea o' water that's about me! The yellow sea o' York Fort up Hudson Bay way where A took the boats from Saskatchewan." Wayland helped him to mount. "Aren't y' goin' to ride y'rself?" "No," answered Wayland. "I'm going to keep one horse fresh.

Deville's pleading inquiry concerning the missing girls drew from the abductors feigned expressions of surprise and regret. Turning to Winslow, Palafox said: "I'm 'stonished, captain, that you risked takin' women on board a freight boat." "Yes," added Sheldrake. "You'll blame y'rself 's long 's you live. Them bodies will come up as floaters, down about Baton Rouge." Doctor Deville groaned.