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Now Leva bathed Havelok in the great tub, and with the warmth and comfort of the hot water he waked and was well content, so that straightway, when he was dressed in Withelm's holiday clothes, which fitted him, though he was but seven years old at this time, and Withelm was a well-grown boy enough for his ten winters, he asked for food, and they gave him what was yet on the board; and we lived well in Denmark.

With that she smiled and blushed a little, and I stood, helm in hand, stupidly enough. But my brother was more ready. "I am Withelm, my princess " he began. "Nay; but 'sister' it shall be between me and my husband's brothers. Now, brother Withelm, there is one thing that is next my heart, and in it I know you will help me." There she wavered for a moment, and then went on bravely.

"Well," said the steward, "I have known Withelm of Grimsby for the last ten years or so, and I do not suppose that it matters if you speak with him." "Why should it matter if I speak with any one I choose?" asked Mord, somewhat angrily. "That you must ask the king; for his orders are that the people of the princess have no dealings with outsiders for two days."

So Mord met the old man as he left the chamber, and told him that he must fly; and after that Withelm took him away in the dusk, for none hindered his going, and went to the widow's with him, hearing all that had been said; and that which they thought was even as Goldberga had said, that all must needs be for the best. In a day or two all would he plain, for Arngeir would have come.

"Well?" he said, not looking up, but with eyes that sought the floor, as if ashamed. "By Odin," said I, speaking the thought that was uppermost, "here will be a downfall for Alsi!" "Ay, you are right, brother. I will not wed her." But that was by no means what I meant, as may be known; and now Withelm held up a warning hand to me, and I knew that his advice was always best.

That was a homely weapon to Raven, and out into the moonlight he came with it, and swept a Welshman away from Havelok's side as he came. But now more men were coming townsfolk who had been roused by the noise and they knew nothing of the attackers, and so thought them friends of ours, who joined us in falling on their sheriff; and there was a wild confusion when Withelm and I came down armed.

Raven was a mighty warrior to look on as he came next, grave and silent, with far-seeing grey eyes that were full of watching, as it were, from his long seafaring, and yet had the seaman's ready smile in them. And Withelm was the pattern of a well-made youth who has his strength yet to gather, and already knows how to make the best use of that he has.

One might have thought that the worn face writhed itself as the light played over it. "It is I, Withelm," I said softly, for the fear of the place was on me. "We have sought you everywhere, and father would have wished you farewell. What are you doing here?" I came forward then, for it was plain that the child feared nothing, so that I was put to shame.

Now, as I have said, none but Withelm thought twice about these things; but in the end the love of the marsh folk was a thing that was needed, and that Withelm had learned somewhat of their faith was the greatest help that could be, as will be seen. True are the words of the Havamal, the song of the wisdom of Odin, which say, "One may know and no other, but all men know if three know."

Why did he try to force me?" Then he went back to the thing that weighed mostly on his noble heart the thought that he was unworthy altogether. "I fear that the princess does but think of me because she must. It is in my mind that Alsi may have threatened her also until she has consented. How shall I know this?" "Most easily, as she speaks with you," answered Withelm. "Tomorrow will tell you that.