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'It is it is only she did say, when we came for them, that we were the children of joy these are the children of sorrow, murmured Wilmet, uttering the words with difficulty. 'I thought so, he said; then after a brief pause, 'Now, Audley For Mr. Audley said all the previous prayers, though with a voice as hard to control as Wilmet's had been.

Vincent, starting up; 'what am I good for but to play? So Clement, who thought he had found an escape, was reduced to the necessity of asking the other little Vincent; and Wilmet's smile of consent so elated Bill Harewood, that he could not help flying across to that very happy and well-matched pair, the Elderly Princess and First Robber, to tell them, 'I've got her. 'Who? 'Why, your sister.

Underwood would like to be visited, and Mr. Audley went up to ascertain. She was a woman who never was happy or at rest in an untidy room, or in disordered garments, and all was in as fair order as it could be with the old furniture, that all Wilmet's mending could not preserve from the verge of rags.

Underwood herself had said something that showed her to contemplate Wilmet's remaining at school. 'You must, said Felix decidedly. 'Why, you might as well turn nursery-girl at once. 'I should like it, said Wilmet. 'I shall be miserable at school always thinking something is going wrong. And Cherry can never bear with the babies! Oh! please don't tell me I must.

So when Wilmet was satisfied that Geraldine was comfortable, the five moved off Felix and Alice, Angel in Wilmet's hand, and Lance's and Robina's tongues wagging so fast that the wonder was how either caught a word of what the other was saying. Meanwhile, Mrs.

Underwood rallied in some measure, so as sometimes even to get to church at mid-day services on warm days. It was on St. Andrew's Day that he was slowly walking home, leaning on Felix's arm, with the two elder girls close behind him, when Alda suddenly touched Wilmet's arm, exclaiming, 'There's Marilda Underwood!

Wilmet tried to tell her that she had not known how it was at the time, but this seemed no comfort; and it was plain that that day's solemnity had lessened the inequality between the two girls so much, that for Wilmet to console her as a child was vain; and indeed, her invalid state and constant companionship with her father had rendered her religions feeling much more excitable, and more developed, than were as yet Wilmet's; and meantime, this piteous sobbing and weeping was doing great bodily harm.

Clement did full justice to that tenderness, when, out of sight himself, he had watched Wilmet's soothing firmness and patient reassuring softness, at last calming the feverish agitation into a sleep, which he was allowed to see for himself was gentle and wholesome.

Felix went up a step-ladder, Wilmet following; and there, sure enough, was Lance, lying in a nest of paper shavings, with head on his air-pillow. 'Oh, you've unearthed me, have you? I wish you'd let me stay here all night! he said, with some weary fretfulness; but the next moment burst into a peal of laughter, as Wilmet's head appeared above the floor. 'Pallas Athene ascends!

'But you'll not let me be masterful? said Wilmet earnestly. 'Just as much as is good for me for us, he said smiling. Then after a moment's silence, he took out of his pocket a little box, and making a table of her lap, took out a ring of twined ruby and diamonds, such as could not but startle the instincts of Wilmet's soul. 'Oh, it is a great deal too beautiful! Please, I couldn't 'You must.