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"I mean, the Great Eastern Hotel and juldee jao!" The driver wrapped a whiplash round the corrugated flanks of his horse and the ghari turned the corner with gratifying speed. In half a minute they were in the Chitpur Road. In fifteen they drew up before the hotel.

The rhythm of the hoof-beats, the recurrent low whistle and crack of the whiplash, the occasional rattle of pebbles showering down to the depths, loosened by rioting wheels, have broken the sacred silence. Yet above all those nearby sounds there seems to be an indistinct murmur, which grows sweeter, more musical, as you gain the base of the mountains, where it rises above all harsher notes.

"I suppose," said the pedler, throwing back his whiplash to bring it down like a feather on the mare's flank, "you have not seen anything of old Mr. Higginbotham within a day or two?" "Yes," answered the toll-gatherer; "he passed the gate just before you drove up, and yonder he rides now, if you can see him through the dusk. He's been to Woodfield this afternoon, attending a sheriff's sale there.

"Oh, if a man feels that he should," Tommy began. He seemed at a loss for words, and ended lamely: "There's plenty of cannon-fodder in the country without men of your caliber wasting themselves in the trenches. You haven't the military training nor the pull to get a commission." Thompson's lips opened to retort with a sentence he knew would sting like a whiplash. But he thought better of it.

Even the voice of the city seemed moderate, subdued. In silence the massive gates studded with sharp-toothed elephant-spikes swung open. With a grunt, Ram Nath cracked his whiplash and the tonga sped into the city. Amber bent forward. "What's the name of that gate, Ram Nath if you happen to know?" "That," said the tonga-wallah in a level voice, "is known as the Gateway of Swords, sahib."

Promptly settling down with doglike fidelity he began mildly to urge on the lagging carpenters; but presently, magnificent in his wrath, he rose above them, whiplash in hand, and drove them forward. His watery blue eyes followed every stick of timber, every foot of piping, every nail that was placed. There was no escaping his watchfulness.

"I’m interested, too." The cantina owner’s drawl was as slow as ever, but it held a note of a whiplash. "Them soldiers...." Fowler appeared, the bar-side shotgun across his arm—"they jumped th’ boys. I saw it, myself." "Yeah, told yuh these town buzzards’re all th’ same. Stick together an’ have it in for th’ army!"

It was no larger than a whiplash; apparently it was a spare lace which Drazk carried, and which had worked loose in the struggle. It was floating close to Drazk. "Don't let me sink, George!" she cried frantically, in sudden fright. "Save me! I won't fight any more." "That's better," he said, drawing her up to him. "I knew you'd come to your senses." Her hand reached the lash.

A few days under the whiplash tongue of Sykes, who would be anxious to finish the project and return to his own studies, and Manning would either buckle or flare up in open revolt. The lieutenant governor considered the possibilities and nodded in satisfaction. "That's all, Professor Sykes," he said, rising and then turning to the cadets.

Each hour that passed, each rapid that they put behind them, was so much done; he was so much nearer his goal. On the second night when they tied up, with the Devil's Teeth, the Black Canyon and the Whiplash passed in safety, Bruce felt almost secure, although the rapid that he dreaded most remained for the third and last day. The boatmen stood, a silent group, at The Big Mallard.