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No man, he fancied, had crept through those solitudes before; but several times he felt almost sure that he saw shadowy figures flitting among the trees, and Grenfell declared that he heard the clank of cowbells. Weston was not astonished, though he knew that no cattle had ever crossed that range. At last in the gray dawn they came to a little opening where the ground was soft.

He went over to Weston, and accosted Saurin in the street. "I cannot pay you just now; don't speak to me here, we shall be seen," said Saurin. "What do I care for that?" replied Josiah. "If you don't come to me I'll come to you." "I will come to the yard to-morrow afternoon, only do go away now," urged Saurin. "You had better," said the man significantly.

"Yes; I am in communication with a man think will be just the person for us. His name is Captain Alden Weston, and he has sailed all over the world. He has also taken part in more than one revolution, and, in fact, is a soldier of fortune. I do not know him personally, but a friend of mine knows him, and says he will serve us faithfully. I have written to him, and he will be here in a few days."

But James will not like to put the horses to for such a little way; and where are the poor horses to be while we are paying our visit?" "They are to be put into Mr. Weston's stable, papa. You know we have settled all that already. We talked it all over with Mr. Weston last night.

That Weston was a most pliant and efficient tool in the hands of Gorges, "from start to finish" of this undertaking, is certainly apparent.

And why should it be Carnaby, not he, who was by this time walking along the sea front of Weston, and watching the breeze flutter Robinette's scarf and bring a brighter colour to her lips? There! the last words were written, and taking up his bunch of letters, watch in hand, he sought Mrs. de Tracy, and explained that he would bicycle to Weston and catch the London post himself.

It had a veranda in front of it, and he stopped when he reached the steps, for it was evident from the hoarse clamor and bursts of laughter which came out of the open windows that something quite unusual was going on. Then a man came down the steps chuckling, and Weston, who stopped him, inquired the cause of the commotion.

Did you happen to notice what he had in his hand when he ran across the veranda?" "No. It happened so suddenly. Was it a pistol?" Waring grinned. "No. It was a shoulder of lamb. The next town is thirty miles south, and no restaurants on the way." "But his mother " began Alice Weston. "Yes," said Waring. "I think that leg of lamb was for dinner to-night."

"Ready up!" The Butterfly came in scarcely an instant behind, and her oars were poised in air, like those of her rival. A long and animating shout rang along the shore, when the result of the race was apparent, and the band struck up "See the conquering hero comes." "You have won the race, Frank, and I congratulate you," said Tony Weston, as the Butterfly came alongside the Zephyr.

The day for this trial of strength having been definitely fixed by the doctor, Mrs. Weston wrote at once to Hardy, inviting him, if he could manage to get away, to come down and celebrate the event. The meeting between the two friends was as joyful as their parting had been sorrowful. "George, my dear old boy," said Hardy, as he shook him by the hand, "it does my eyesight good to see you again."