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Fill up the sparkling bowl; heap high the dessert with roses crowned; bring out the hot-pressed poem, the vellum manuscripts, the medals, the portfolios, the intaglios this is the true model of the life of a man of taste and virtu the possessors, not the inventors of these things, are the true benefactors of mankind and ornaments of letters.

Their first passion was a taste for articles of virtù; then came the love of the Middle Ages.

I love Nature, and human nature, its thoughts, affections, dreams, aspirations, delusions, Art in all its forms, virtu in all its eccentricities, old stories from black-letter volumes and yellow manuscripts, and new projects out of hot brains not yet imbedded in the snows of age.

No interesting article of virtu was to be seen. The old paintings on the walls were with two exceptions feebly executed.

The last line, which runs in the Italian thus Resto prigion d'un Cavalier armato, has an obvious play of words upon Cavalieri's surname. This he altered into Resto prigion d'un cor di virtù armato. The reason was that, if it stood unaltered, "the ignorance of men would have occasion to murmur." "Varchi," he adds, "did wrong in printing it according to the text."

Of him remained Galeazzo and Azzo; and, after these, Luchino and Giovanni. Giovanni became archbishop of Milan; and of Luchino, who died before him, were left Bernabo and Galeazzo; Galeazzo, dying soon after, left a son called the Count of Virtu, who after the death of the archbishop, contrived the murder of his uncle, Bernabo, became prince of Milan, and was the first who had the title of duke.

Hyde felt impelled to confess that in his war-bag there was a roll of some seven hundred dollars, title to which had vested in him on the northward trip, together with certain miscellaneous objects of virtu, but he resisted the impulse, fearing that an investigation by his nurse might lead the latter to believe that he, Bill, was not a harness-maker at all, but a jewelry salesman.

The young Comte de Schullemburg, the Chambellan whom you knew at Hanover, is come over with the King, 'et fait aussi vos eloges'. Though, as I told you in my last, I have done buying pictures, by way of 'virtu', yet there are some portraits of remarkable people that would tempt me.

However, let his Holiness's taste of 'virtu' be ever so bad, pray get somebody to present you to him before you leave Rome; and without hesitation kiss his slipper, or whatever else the etiquette of that Court requires. I would have you see all those ceremonies; and I presume that you are, by this time, ready enough at Italian to understand and answer 'il Santo Padre' in that language.

The simple errant impulse that Chaucer noted as belonging with the songs of birds and coming of spring, is dignified into a philosophy of travel. Travel, according to our authors, is one of the best ways to gain personal force, social effectiveness in short, that mysterious "virtù" by which the Renaissance set such great store.