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You may reckon it strange I should make you such an offer; and ondoubtedly, so it is. But here's the case. First, captain, I'm agin burning you; it makes. me oneasy, to think of it for you ha'n't done me no harm, and you're a young feller of the rale Virginny grit, jist after my own heart, and I takes to you.

No, dat I don't! You ain't got no 'casion to be shame' o' yo' father, I kin tell you. He wuz de highest quality in dis whole town ole Virginny stock. Fust famblies, he wuz. Jes as good stock as de Driscolls en de Howards, de bes' day dey ever seed."

He is a plasterer and liked by de colored and white people. I think it wuz a fine thing that slavery was finished. I don't have a thing more than my chillun and dey are all poor. I first joined church at Upperville, Virginny. I was buried under de water. I feel dat everybody should have religion. Dey get on better in dis life, and not only in dis life but in de life to cum.

"Missus, who is yer kinfolks back dar in Virginny, any way?" The names of several were mentioned. "Why, dem's big folks," said Uncle Joe. "Yes," said she, laughingly; "I belong to the first families of Virginia." "I don't know 'bout dat, Missus. I was dar 'fore you was, an' I don't 'long to de fus' families!"

He had stopped humming, and was singing aloud: 'He captured Harper's Ferry, with his nineteen men so true And he frightened old Virginny ... 'Say, Major, he cried, 'I believe this game of mine is coming out. I was now pretty well mad.

This answer was given with a jolly laugh as the old man leaned on his pick and looked at me. "You looked so much like home-folks that I felt like speaking to you. Where are you from?" "From Virginny, sah!" "Where's you from, Massa?" "I was brought up partly in Virginia too?" "Wbar'bouts, in Virginny?" "Mostly in Lynchburg." "Lynchburg! dat's whar I was fotched up.

When he bites that time I gives him both hands. That eel comes through the air jest whistlin' an' w'irlin'. I slams him ag'inst the great state of Virginny. Suppose one of them bass you boasts of takes sech a jolt. Whatever would he have done? He'd lay thar pantin' an' rollin' his eyes; mebby he curls his tail a little. That would be the utmost of them resentments of his. What does my eel do?

As I was peroosin the bill a grave young man who sot near me axed me if I'd ever seen Forrest dance the Essence of Old Virginny? "He's immense in that," sed the young man. "He also does a fair champion jig," the young man continnerd, "but his Big Thing is the Essence of Old Virginny." Sez I, "Fair youth, do you know what I'd do with you if you was my sun?" "No," sez he.

"Let's see this hyar's ther y'ar one thousand and nine hundred.... Thar's some things I disremembers. Maggards ... Maggards?... I don't remember no Maggards.... No, siree! I don't remember none." The cripple turned impatiently away, and Bas Rowlett speculatively inquired: "Does ye reckon mebby he war a-fleein' from some enemy over in Virginny an' thet ther feller followed atter him an' got him?"

"Harder to get both than a 'pintment in these crowded times on a opposition recommendation when all ole Virginny is yaw to be tuk care of," said Hon. Fitzchew Smy, of the Old Dominion.