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Men like him are very fond of friendship, intimacy, solidarity, and all the rest of it, because they always want company for vint, drinking, and eating; besides, they are talkative and must have listeners. We made friends that is, he turned up every day, hindered me working, and indulged in confidences in regard to his mistress.

Le lendemain de notre arrivée, un gentilhomme de Bavière vint saluer mondit seigneur de Valse. Messire Jacques Trousset, averti de sa venue, annonça qu'il alloit le faire pendre

"Not I," said Leicester, looking askant at the picture. "Don't tell no lies," said Mrs. Vint. "You do know him well." And she pointed her assertion by looking at the portrait. "O, I know him whose picture hangs there, of course," said Leicester. "Well, and that is her husband." "O, that is her husband, is it?" And he was unaffectedly puzzled. Mercy turned pale.

She had invited him to tell the truth. But he was afraid to take her at her word; and yet what was the use to persist in what his own eyes told him was the wrong course? Whilst he hesitated, and debated within himself, a trifling incident turned the scale. A poor woman came begging, with her child, and was received rather roughly by Harry Vint.

Are you less than any of the damsels we read of in chivalry? Am I not a man when I look in your dear eyes and see nothing worldlier than love, nothing earthlier than truth there?" "What a blarney you are! I must really get Vint to send you away, or he will have a Yankee brother-in-law." "And the Perleys will have a rebel at the head of the house."

Her aunt would come to Vera and say: "You should sit a little with the visitors, or else they'll think that you are stuck up." Vera would go in to the visitors and play vint with them for hours together, or play the piano for the visitors to dance; her aunt, in high spirits and breathless from dancing, would come up and whisper to her: "Be nice to Marya Nikiforovna." On the sixth of December, St.

"There, Mercy," said she, "lay out a penny with thy husband's namesake." Mercy did not reply, for at that moment Thomas Leicester caught sight of Griffith's portrait, and gave a sudden start, and a most extraordinary look besides. Both the women's eyes happened to be upon him, and they saw at once that he knew the original. "You know my husband?" said Mercy Vint, after a while.

But it was too late to go back. He did the next best thing, he rushed on. He threw himself on his knees before Mercy Vint. "O madam," he cried, piteously, "do not set your heart against the most unhappy lady in England. If you did but know her, her nobleness, her misery! Before you steel yourself against me, her friend, let me ask you one question. Do you know where Mrs. Gaunt is at this moment?"

A peine étions nous entrés qu'une douzaine de Sarrasins s'approcha pour nous regarder. Je portois un grand chapeau de feutre, qui n'est point d'usage dans le pays. Un d'eux vint le frapper par dessous d'un coup de baton, et il me le jeta par terre. J'avoue que mon premier mouvement fut de lever le poing sur lui.

Vint turned her head, and inspected the pedler from afar, as if he was some natural curiosity. "Where do you come from, young man?" said she. "Well, I came from Kendal last; but I am Cumberland born." "Why, that is where t'other comes from," suggested Paul Carrick, who was once more a frequenter of the house. "Like enow," said Mrs. Vint.