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For people living in South Holland the first trip is always to the Vink at Leyden, as it can be reached by narrow streams and ditches, and it is quite a sight to see the skaters sitting at little tables with plates of steaming hot soup before them. The Vink has been famous for its pea soup many years, and has been known as a restaurant from 1768.

The round spot is where she sat down hard, just as she was almost around. When they came into the kitchen Father said, "I think we could take such a fine pair of skaters as that to the Vink with us on our way to town! The ice is very hard and thick for so early in the season, and we will go to-morrow." "We can see the shops too. St.

A man stood near the tent. He put his hands together and shouted through them to the skaters, "Come in, come in, and get a drink Of warm sweet milk on your way to the Vink:" "We must be getting quite near the Vink," Kat said. "I do wonder what it looks like. Do you think it's alive?" They passed another tent. There a man was shouting,

"Follow up the trail as fast as we can," said Victor promptly. "Dat is bon advise," observed Rollin. "Hand over de duck, Peegvish, an' do try for shut your eyes. If you vould only vink it vould seem more comfortabler." Peegwish did not smile, but with deepened gravity passed the duck. "I'm not so sure of the goodness of the advice," said Ian.

He says dere ish vat you call him pig virl-a-rounds up dere dat vould plow all der beoples off der earth in von vink, und ven I tells him dat he ish von pig virl-a-round himself, runnin' und runnin', und lettin' der vork schstand, den von of der schpots come outen on him und I dink he plow my hed offen." By and by she began again: "If it ish not schpots it ish someding else.

"Not von vord, señor; he only vink von eye like maybe he flirt vid me." "The Swade did that! Holy Mother! an' wid an O'Brien here to take the part of any dacent gurl. Wait till I strip the coat off me. It's an O'Brien that'll tache him how to trate a lady.

"I know that Toc is winking," replied Sally, holding up a finger of reproof; "but he winks with both eyes, an' you does it with only one, which is naughty. An' when you speaks to me, sir, don't say vink say wink." "Yis, mum," replied little Dan, casting down his eyes with a look of humility so intense that there was a sudden irruption of dazzling teeth along the whole class.

The next day Pop was able to sit up, although still too weak to stand on his legs. He was continually praising Heaven for his safety. "I dun Vink I was a goner more dan once," he said. "I was on de ocean all alone about a week, I reckon, although I lost time ob days after I'd been out two or Vree nights. I Vink I was most crazy." "Perhaps you were, Aleck," said Sam.

He never said another word about what they had thought it was like. Soon they were inside the Vink. It was a large restaurant. There were many little tables about, crowded with people, eating and drinking. Father Vedder found a table, and they all sat down. "Bring us some pea soup," he said to the waiter. Soon they were eating the hot soup. "This is the best thing I ever had," said Kit.

Nicholas is coming, and the shops are full of fine things," said Vrouw Vedder. Kit and Kat could hardly wait for to-morrow to come. They polished their skates and made everything ready. "What do you suppose the Vink is?" said Kat to Kit. "I think it is something like a church," said Kit. "You don't know what a Vink is, so there," said Kat. "I think it's something to eat."