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"Ve must vight to the last tr-r-op of our plood!" said the colonel, thumping the table; "and ve must tie for our Emperor, and zen all vill pe vell. And ve must discuss it as little as po-o-ossible"... he dwelt particularly on the word possible... "as po-o-ossible," he ended, again turning to the count. "Zat is how ve old hussars look at it, and zere's an end of it!

We are at war with the Dutch Settlements now, you know." "That is the amusing part of it. Now listen, and I will read it to you;" and Dolly spread out a large sheet of paper, and read aloud in mimicking tones "Mein dear Mees Dolly, You did vant ein loafer who could vight vor his coundry, and vould haf no man who vas yoost ein merchant. Very goot.

I do-an't like the look of things, nor I do-an't like the way things are done. If you take a old man's advice you'll come too." "Noa," said the honest oaf, "I be agoin' to vight. I be a-goin' to London town to be a girt sol-dier." "Ah," said the old man, shortly, "you be a vule, Tummas. Wish ee good day, maister."

"Ach, Himmel! vot a mans," muttered the German to himself, as he followed his employer out. "I vork for him, und, py chiminy grickets, I vight for him too, alretty." The stamp mill and main buildings of the mine, including the boiler and engine room, were surrounded by a stout fence of one-inch planking, perhaps ten feet in height.

Beyond the bare fact that she took the train the following morning with the man she called "Vight," Annie never heard of her again. Still there was hope for the wretched wanderer. However dark and hidden her paths, the eyes of a merciful God ever followed her, and to that God Annie prayed often in her behalf.

"No, ye won't dare, ye Dutch coward. Av ye had a bit av spunk in yer body, ye'd challenge him to wance." "Vell, you pet me my boots I don'd vos a coward," declared Hans, emphatically. "I'll vight dot feller!" "Thot's th' shtuff, me b'y!" cried the delighted Barney. "Let me take th' challenge." "Nod py a plamed sight! I don'd vant a pog-drotter to done some uf dot peesness for me, ain'd id?

A heavy cross-buttock at the end of the thirty-first round shook the breath from his body, and he came up for the thirty-second with the same jaunty gallantry as ever, but with the dazed expression of a man whose wind has been utterly smashed. "He's got the roly-polies," cried Belcher. "You have it your own way now!" "I'll vight for a week yet," gasped Wilson.

"This is Miss Walton," said the woman, advancing. "Yes," exclaimed Annie, and she rushed forward and sobbed out, "save me from your husband; he threatened to take my life." "'My husband!" said the woman, with intense bitterness, turning toward the man. "Do you hear that, Vight? Quiet your fears, young lady.

I hoped I could send you directly home to-night, but that's impossible. I can do much with Vight, but not everything. He has sworn never to go to prison again alive, and none of our lives would be worth much if they stood in the way of his escape. We meant to leave this region before many months, for troublesome stories are getting around, and now we must go at once.