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I believes in the creed; I takes the sacrament; I lives up to it outside. I no lives up to it inside, I suppose. Ven I comes to the spirit-land, I first meet that Jew's brother, and he tells me, 'Hans, you mus go back and makes some right with my brother. So I comes here. "I vants my vrow, what I left in Harlem, to takes that two tousand dollars and gives it back to that Jew's vrow.

Help me up, boys." "You're hurt!" said Ben, seeing a shade of seriousness pass over his cousin's face as they lifted him to his feet. Jacob tried to laugh again. "Oh, no I feels a little hurt ven I stant up, but it ish no matter."

"Den ah vill share some knowletch vi' chew to take vi' chew to da hereafter. Ven our ocean dried oop millons off yearss ago, all da fishies died, includen uss sharks except for two, zat iss. Undt dare chilluns ver born vi' liddle leggies. Ve arrda descendants off dose two, undt ve haff effolved over da yearss to our present selfs. Fully adapted to da land.

If you do, I call upon these men present to witness the act, for, as I have said, if you go beyond a certain point I will make you trouble, and justly, too." "Nah, nah! vat for I do so mean a ting? You but your hand in my bocket ven you takes my dinners, my lagers, and my brandies, but I no do vat no shentlemens does.

"The holy angels in heaven their trumpets do raise, And with saints upon earth sound endless praise. Blessed, most blessed, your day, and holy your call, O ven se' ne ven se' ne, yea every soul. "All holy se ka' ren are the free blessings given And bestowed on you from the fountain of heaven; Yea, guardian spirits from the holy Selan', Bring you heavenly love, vi' ne see', Lin' se van'.

Some simple refreshment will do sandwiches, cake, and some ice-cream. I'll take care of that myself, if you'll permit me." "Vell, now stop a minute vunce here is anudder idea. Suppose ve make it a Dutch treat everybody bring sometings. Ve had vun last vinter at Budvick's, de upholsterer, ven he vas married tventy-five years. I give de apples more as half a peck."

"Go onder!" exclaimed Henri; "oui, I vas all but die myself ven I fust try to git away from hom'. If I have not git away, I not be here to-day." Henri's idea of homesickness was so totally opposed to theirs, that his comrades only laughed, and refrained from attempting to set him right.

Ve did had some liddle troubles mit der cards, and ven mine foot was slipped on dis verdammt grease-grass, he did not run me t'rough so like he might." "Oh; an affair of honor? Well, we'll count that in his favor. Take him away, Trelawny, and quarter yourself and twenty men upon him at Jennifer House. You have your parole, Mr.

'All good feelin', sir the wery best intentions, as the gen'l'm'n said ven he run away from his wife 'cos she seemed unhappy with him, replied Mr. Weller. 'You may go, Sam, said Mr. Pickwick. 'Thank'ee, Sir, replied Mr. Weller; and having made his best bow, and put on his best clothes, Sam planted himself on the top of the Arundel coach, and journeyed on to Dorking.

It iss dot I go in a restaurant, und order a meal. Der vaiter he brings me some cheese und I am so thoughtfulness dot I put red pepper and horse radish on it. Den, ven I eat it I jumps ofer der table alretty yet. Dot is a fine part!" and he laughed gleefully, for Mr. Switzer was a simple soul. A little later Alice and Ruth were given their new parts to study.