United States or Niue ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Not the clearish cascades of yesterday but sticky, slippery mud, intensely sticky, and intensely slippery. The narrow path which is filled by this, is V-shaped underneath from wear, and I soon find the safest way is right through the deepest mud in the middle. The white mist shuts off all details beyond ten yards in any direction.

Spoil-sport will go before as a scout. Come, my good dog!" added Dagobert, "above all fair and softly!" Immediately, the intelligent animal advanced a few steps, sniffing and listening with the care and caution of a hound searching for the game. By the half-light of the clouded moon, Dagobert and his son perceived round them a V-shaped grove of tall trees, at which several paths met.

Her face was deep pink, and so was her neck, which ran V-shaped down into the folds of her kimono. Her eyes, round as saucers, met Gyp's, fell, met them again. She said: "Oh, Mrs. Fiorsen, I am glad! I really am. I wanted you so much to see my room do you like it? How DID you know where I was?" She looked down and added: "I think I'd better tell you. Mr.

Now if I don't find the ore, it will be some comfort to know that I have properly tried." She glanced at her wrist-watch and got up. "It is later than I thought!" "Your tent is ready," Thirlwell replied. She turned and saw a light shining through the V-shaped canvas on the edge of the trees, but although she was tired, felt reluctant to leave the fire.

It is also a pretty commentary on la bete humaine. You remember the V-shaped barricade garrisoned by Russian sailors, I spoke about a few days ago?

"I don't really expect much," he said, seeking already to discount a possible disappointment. "It's only a possibility, I don't count on it." "Six o'clock off the cape," said the captain. "We are on time." "Yes." Both men searched the smooth sea for some long, sluggish, inexplicable wave which should break, or for a V-shaped ripple such as a fixed stake will make in a swiftly running stream.

They do not appear to think much of us, and close the door again quickly, with a bang, and we sleep once more. As we rumble on, the country slowly wakes. Rude V-shaped carts, drawn by yoked oxen, and even sometimes by cows, wait patiently while we cross the long, straight roads stretching bare for many a mile across the plain. Peasants trudge along the fields to work.

The barrier mountains rise about it like the sides of a bowl, with a great V-shaped piece chipped out of the southern wall. This break we call the Gap; through it the railroad comes to us, through it the river escapes.

A conspicuous feature was that the upper ends of the rafters projected across each other, and in the V-shaped receptacle thus formed, a ridge-pole was laid with a number of short logs crossing it at right angles. This disposition of timbers was evidently devised to facilitate tying and to impart stability to the thatch, which was laid to a considerable thickness.

Donald, too, often spoke of his dear friend Christie, who, he declared, was the one white man of his acquaintance with whom he would be willing to share this pleasant forest life. At length the winter came to an end. The south winds began to blow, the snow to melt, the ice to break up, the wild geese to fly northward in V-shaped companies, and the sap to run in the trees.