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"Is it possible that you are speaking now of your own father?" "I certainly was," was the unabashed answer. "I did not mean to be disrespectful; that is only a habit." "A very bad habit," said Faith, reprovingly, "but to return to the subject of poor Mary's funeral. Do you think if we asked for a day we would get it? You know, the store is closed to-day; they might not like to lose another."

Tired of the boy's bragging and conceit, one of his friends said to him one day: "You're very willing to talk about your mother, but I notice you never speak of your father. Are you ashamed of him?" "No, I'm not," replied Phaethon, trying to look unabashed. "Well, then, tell us about him. If he were anything great, you would be willing enough to brag about him."

A lean-faced old man the Sheik was, heavily bearded with white, his brows snowy, his eyes a hawk's, and the fine aquilinity of his nose the hallmark of pure Arab blood. Hard as iron he looked, gravely observing, unabashed in face of these white strangers and of this mysterious flying house.

She has a round baby face with the loveliest violet eyes in the world and such a skin! like a velvet rose petal!" His unabashed regard penetrated Sabine who smiled slyly. "You don't mean to say you can see all these material things in a ghost!" she cried with an enchanting air of incredulity. "Perfectly I have not half finished yet.

But you have no sooner turned a corner than where are they? Gone, all changed. Every line is altered, every contour new. Spurs have become knobs. Peaks are ridges; summits, terraces. Madison probably has disappeared, and some Adams or Jefferson rises before you in unabashed grandeur. Carter and the Imp have hopped around to another point of the compass.

Standing with one foot on the terrace step, close to the marble vases where heliotropes swung their dainty lilac chalices against her shoulder, and the scarlet geraniums stared unabashed, Beryl's gaze wandered from the lovely park and ancient trees, to the unbroken facade of the gray old house; and as, in painful contrast she recalled the bare bleak garret room, where a beloved invalid held want and death at bay, a sudden mist clouded her vision, and almost audibly she murmured: "My poor mother!

Bradley was a very dear friend of Frank's, and most kind to him," said Lady Mainwaring, gravely. "Didn't know there WAS a Mr. Bradley, really. He didn't come to the fore, then," said the unabashed Captain. "Deuced hard to follow up those American husbands!" "And their wives wouldn't thank you, if you did," said Lady Griselda Armiger, with a sweet smile. "If it is the Mrs.

It was permitted that, unabashed, you be as silly, as frivolous, as inconsequential, as boisterous, as lighthearted, as delightfully irresponsible as your ordinary concealed boyishness pleased. Customary repressions had nothing to do here. This was a celebration! And in the aforementioned our very wise woman would have seen a safety valve.

You are sure crazy, Amarilly!" exclaimed Milt. "We could buy it cheap," continued Amarilly unabashed. "I heard the grocer saying yesterday that property around here was at a low figure now. We could put our savings together and make a payment down, and instead of paying rent let it go on the balance each month.

The old man did not answer for a moment or two. He looked his visitor through and through with his wise gray eyes an investigation which might have disconcerted some people, but Halcyone was unabashed. "I know what you are doing," she said.