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"Dew you know who we air?" sed one of the wimin a tall and feroshus lookin critter, with a blew kotton umbreller under her arm "do you know who we air, Sir?" "My impreshun is," sed I, "from a kersery view, that you air females."

Wall, about this time there was a man in a adjacent town who had a green cotton umbreller." "Did it fit him well? Was it custom made? Was he measured for it?" "Measured for what?" said Abe. "The umbreller?" "Wall, as I was sayin," continnered the President, treatin the interruption with apparent comtempt, "this man sed he'd known that there umbreller ever since it was a pyrasol. Ha, ha, ha!"

Or is it my Spear to vote & speak & show myself the ekal of a man? Is there a sister in these keers that has her proper Spear?" Sayin which the eccentric female whirled her umbreller round several times, & finally jabbed me in the weskit with it. "I hav no objecshuns to your goin into the Spear bizness," sez I, "but you'll please remember I ain't a pickeril. Don't Spear me agin, if you please."

I hope you can manage to come. I am going to pay all the expenses. Your old Christian Deaver you used to 'tend is going to be there; so you'll have a good time. Lizzie has a new pink organdie, with roses on her hat; and we're thinking of getting her a pink umbreller if it don't cost too much. The kind with chiffon flounces on it.

Do ye see that tall cottingwood tree a half mile down the one with the flat umbreller top, like a cypress? Ye kin? Well, in half a hour be thar with three o' yore friends, no more. I'll be thar with my man an' three o' his, no more, an' I'll be one o' them three. I allow our meanin' is to see hit fa'r. An' I allow that what has been unfinished business ain't goin' to be unfinished come sundown.

It jist clears up on purpose I do believe, to tempt you out without your umbreller, and jist as sure as you trust it and leave it to home, it clouds right up, and sarves you out for it it does indeed. What a sight of new clothes I've spilte here, for the rain has a sort of dye in it. It stains so, it alters the colour of the cloth, for the smoke is filled with gas and all sorts of chemicals.

"Yes," said I, larfin in a respectful manner, "but what has this man with the umbreller to do with the man who took his wife's coffin out of the back winder?" "To be sure," said Abe "what was it? I must have got two stories mixed together, which puts me in mind of another lit " "Never mind, Your Excellency.

I said then, as I say now, any young man as venturs out in a uncertain climit like this without a umbreller, lacks foresight, caution, strength of mind and stability; and he is not a proper person to intrust a daughter's happiness to." I slapt the old gentleman on the shoulder, and I said: "You're right! You're one of those kind of men, you are "

Doth she never dream of freedom doth she never think of throwin off the yoke of tyrrinny & thinkin & votin for herself? Doth she never think of these here things?" "Not bein a natral born fool," sed I, by this time a little riled, "I kin safely say that she dothunt." "Oh whot whot!" screamed the female, swingin her umbreller in the air. "O, what is the price that woman pays for her expeeriunce!"

On the cars was a he-lookin female, with a green-cotton umbreller in one hand and a handful of Reform tracks in the other. She sed every woman should have a Spear. Them as didn't demand their Spears, didn't know what was good for them. "What is my Spear?" she axed, addressing the people in the cars. "Is it to stay at home & darn stockins & be the ser-LAVE of a domineerin man?