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The really poor are thoroughly well looked after by the proper authorities. The supposed distress of these women and children is a mere trumped-up story on the part of the Revolutionists a means of agitation, a weapon against the government. The beggars simply speculate on the tears of sentimental idiots.

"No one knows in the least what she looks like, so that's all right. She's primed with a trumped-up tale, and her real business is to get as much information as possible out of us. See the idea?" "Then you think" Tuppence paused to grasp the supposition fully "that it WAS as Jane Finn that they wanted me to go to Paris?" Mr. Carter smiled more wearily than ever.

"I count on you, then. Good. I think we can cover this up." He checked and stood for a while lost in thought. "How?" Lanyard roused him. "Simply enough: I go on deck, send the watch ashore on some trumped-up errand. They suspect nothing, thinking the commander and I have you in charge.

Then he explained how he had spent the last summer, "hoboing it," as the phrase was. "And you?" he asked finally. "Have you been here ever since?" "Lord, no!" said the other. "I only came in the day before yesterday. It's the second time they've sent me up on a trumped-up charge I've had hard luck and can't pay them what they want. Why don't you quit Chicago with me, Jurgis?"

The sooner the better. But first, we must arrange a reduced scale of prices, and then bring our whole tribe of workwomen and others down to it at once. It will not do to hold any parley with them. If we do, our ears will be dinned to death with trumped-up tales of poverty and distress, and all that sort of thing, with which we have no kind of concern in the world.

He did not believe that he was wanted for anything very serious; they meant to arrest him, probably, for laying out those two gamblers with a chair and a bottle of whisky respectively. A trumped-up charge, very likely, chiefly calculated to make him some trouble and to eliminate him from the struggle for a time.

You will understand everything some day. What about the Irish girl, Loretta Murfree?" "President Mallowe's filing clerk? He dismissed her only this morning, on a trumped-up charge of incompetence. She's here now, having some lunch, up in my dressing-room. Would you like to talk with her?" "I would, indeed," he assented, nodding as Anita pressed the bell.

The tables were filled in the dining-room, the waiters were scurrying about, there were ladies on the balconies looking dreamily down upon the animated scene below; all the movements of gayety and hilarity in the height of a season. Mr. King approached a group who were standing waiting for a carriage, but they did not see him, and did not respond to his trumped-up question about the next train.

We were arrested by suspicious Spanish officials shortly after our arrival and were tried on trumped-up charges. On several subsequent occasions we narrowly escaped arrest and imprisonment. The unfriendly attitude of certain of our Spanish acquaintances was hardly to be wondered at.

Of late he has accomplished it by trumped-up evidence convicting his victims of treason against the czar, and the Russian police, who are always only too ready to fasten guilt of this nature upon any and all, have accepted his version and exonerated him."