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We spent two unprofitable days in going over the place, and in the end sank down tired, defeated and without the slightest evidence in our possession that so much as a half crown lay hidden there as treasure- trove. I gave in and announced that if Tarnowsy could find anything worth having he was entitled to it so far as I was concerned, and I wouldn't begrudge him a farthing's worth.

"I'm I'm nearly twelve, you know." They had reached the big gate between the willows by this time. Elizabeth flung her treasure trove upon the grass and, springing upon the gate, swung out on to the road again. "Well, I know that," she said, wondering what such gratuitous information had to do either with being a minister or riding a gate, "and I'm going on eleven."

"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground," said Ezra Tower. "If God said it, he made slaves of us all," said young Trove.

"When they found they couldn't prove who's money was which, I'm blessed," he says, "if they didn't try to make me out a blooming treasure trove! Do I look like a Treasure Trove? And then a gentleman gave me a guinea a night to tell the story at the Empire Music 'All just to tell 'em in my own words barring one."

Trove had risen early and was walking out on a long pike that divided the village of Hillsborough and cut the waste of snow, winding over hills and dipping into valleys, from Lake Champlain to Lake Ontario. The air was cold but full of magic sun-fire. All things were aglow the frosty roadway, the white fields, the hoary forest, and the mind of the beholder.

He finally decided to lay it where it would seem that someone passing had dropped it, and Shorty could not help finding it. The plan worked all right. Shorty picked it up in a few minutes after Si had deposited it, and made quite an ado over his treasure trove.

The cabman touched his hat and drove away. We went up to the library and proceeded to examine the treasure trove. It consisted of a long strip of thin bluish paper less than a quarter of an inch in width and containing a succession of apparently arbitrary and unmeaning characters written in ink. I reproduce a section of the strip, which should make my description more intelligible.

"Ay, she o' the sweet heart," said the tinker; "we'll go at once." They left the shop, and on every street they travelled there were groups of men gossiping. Some nodded, others turned away, as the two passed. Dick Roberts met them at the door of the house where Polly boarded. "I wish to see Miss Vaughn," said Trove, coolly. "She is ill," said Roberts. "Could I not see her for a moment?"

"It was I, an' God bring him to repentance the poor beggar!" said Darrel. "He agreed to repay me within a fortnight an' was in sore distress, but he ran away, an' I got no word o' him." "Well, the inference is, that you, being a friend of the accused, were trying to help him." "I'm caught in a web," said Trove, leaning forward, his head upon his hands, "and Leblanc's wife is the spider.

"To wish you Merry Christmas and present you gifts," said Trove. The old man raised his candle, surveying them with surprise and curiosity. "What gifts?" he inquired in a milder tone. "Well," said the boy, "we've brought you mittens and a muffler." "Ha! ha! Yer consciences have smote ye," said Brooke, "Glory to God who brings the sinner to repentance!"