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Never was there as much treachery and crime as now. Calumny stands before every door, and will whisper such evil and fearful things in the ears of every returned soldier, that he will become wild with rage, and distrust his wife, no matter how innocent she may be." "I shall not be guilty of this fault," said Major du Trouffle.

He had been wont to say the most indifferent things to her in a fierce, excited tone now he was self-possessed, and spoke to her softly and kindly. "The wound has healed," said Louise du Trouffle to herself. "He no longer scorns because he no longer loves me." But she did not know that he had not only ceased to love her, but loved another passionately.

This was the beginning of those fearful torments which Marietta Taliazuchi had for some months endured tortures which increased with the conviction that there was truly an understanding between Ranuzi and Madame du Trouffle; that Ranuzi, under the pretence of being overwhelmed with important business, refused to pass the evening with her, yet went regularly every evening to Madame du Trouffle.

He suddenly awoke from his dreams, and remembered the present with a weary smile. "I must not forget, in dreams of the future, the necessity for action. I have many important things to do this day. I must take these letters to Marietta, see her address and post them; then I must seek La Trouffle and receive from her leave of absence, on the plea of visiting a sick friend at Magdeburg.

And now the maid entered and announced Madame du Trouffle and the prophet. "Let them enter," said the princess in a hollow, death-like voice; "let them enter, and remain yourself, Fraulein Lethow; the soothsayer shall tell your fortune." The door opened, and Madame du Trouffle entered. She was gay and lovely as ever, and drew near the princess with a charming smile.

Camilla turned her back scornfully, and her mother left the room; Camilla returned to the sofa and Madame du Trouffle entered the saloon. In the levity and frivolity of their hearts they had both forgotten this sad scene in the drama of a demoralized family life; such scenes had been too often repeated to make any lasting impression. Madame du Trouffle found Count Ranuzi awaiting her.

Captain du Trouffle is a most fortunate man he will possess a most beautiful wife. When will this happy ceremony be performed?" Madame von Kleist was unable to reply. She gazed with wild terror into his cold, iron face she listened with horror to that voice, whose mild, soft tone had become suddenly so harsh, so stern. The prince repeated his question, and his tone was harder and more imperious.

"Yes, Madame von Kleist told me herself when she announced her approaching marriage. But I am not acquainted with Du Trouffle is he handsome?" "Handsome and amiable, your highness, and besides, a very good officer. The king gave him, as a wedding present, a major's commission." "Then the beautiful Louise is now Mrs Major du Trouffle," said the prince, with a troubled smile.

All the world is dancing, playing, and chatting, and, while looking at the prince and princess, have for one moment forgotten the beautiful Louise du Trouffle. I alone could not do this, and as I learned from Lady Elliot that you were here, I dared to follow you, and seek in one glance a compensation for what I have endured this day.

One of her first scholars was Camilla von Kleist, the daughter of Madame du Trouffle, and soon teacher and scholar became warm friends. Camilla, still banished by her mother to the solitude of the nursery, complained to her new friend of the sorrows of her home and the weariness of her life.