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Meanwhile Goodred busied herself in preparing venison steaks over the same fire, and Oscar undertook to roast marrow bones for the whole party, as well as to instruct Oliver Trench in that delicate operation.

This turn of the weather was a military surprise. It produced conditions novel in trench warfare. Severe cold was a commonplace, but now for three weeks and more the ground everywhere had been hard as concrete, digging and wiring were quite impossible, and movement in our front area easier than ever before. It almost seemed as if our opportunity for open warfare had arrived.

"Newfoundland is bigger than we have been led to believe," said Paul Burns, surveying the prospect with great satisfaction. "Ay is it," responded Trench. "The fact is that discoverers of new lands, bein' naturally in ships, have not much chance to go far inland. In a country like this, with such a wild seaboard, it's no wonder they have made mistakes.

This interesting old mansion has a venerable church adjoining it, surmounted by an ivy-clad tower. Chanctonbury Hill rises eight hundred and fourteen feet, and its ring of trees, which can be seen for many miles, is planted on a circular mound surrounded by a trench, an ancient fortification.

We at once set about digging for the record that Captain McClintock proposed to bury ten feet true north from the centre of the cairn, and a foot below the surface; but though we dug a deep trench four feet wide from the centre of the cairn, due north, for a distance of twenty feet, nothing was found, and the inference is that Captain McClintock either failed to deposit the record, or that changes in the surface of the ground have brought it to light, and it has either been stolen by natives or washed into the sea.

"No, the first time Mr. Close came with her. After that, she came with her Trench maid." The next day we paid a visit to Mrs. Close herself at the private hospital. Kennedy had been casting about in his mind for an excuse to see her, and I had suggested that we go as reporters from the Star.

He was on his knees digging a little trench with his knife, piling up the moist earth in miniature embankments, so that the dripping from the roof would not spatter this Princess of his whom he had saved from the tempest outside. "Oh, any kind of a place if you have people you're fond of.

As I said before, to open my fire upon the sou-west tower, or if necessary protect the sugar tongs, which I explained to you was the trench.

The men who owned the big gas bag were the first to make the right sort of plans. "The balloon is being blown over the lake," said Mr. Trench, the owner of the big bag. "We must go in that direction." "Over the lake!" cried Mrs. Bobbsey. "Oh, if they should fall in!" "The balloon will float on the water," her husband told her. "The children will be all right, I'm sure." "Yes, indeed," agreed Mr.

This is a fine object-lesson in the efficacy of trenches. At length an officer returns and saves us. We have to take the trench on the extreme right. Much more hot walking, and a complete loss of the notion of direction. Then we come out on to another portion of the same road at the point where a main line of railway crosses it. We are told to run to shelter.