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What I said was, not that the communications which have passed between us are to be published, or must be published, but that "it may become necessary hereafter to publish your letter, in connection with other correspondence of the mission; and, although it is not to be presumed that you looked to such publication, because such a presumption would impute to you a claim to put forth your private opinions upon the conduct of the President and Senate, in a transaction finished and concluded, through the imposing form of a public despatch, yet, if published, it cannot be foreseen how far England might hereafter rely on your authority for a construction favorable to her own pretensions, and inconsistent with the interest and honor of the United States."

In the whole of this transaction, Clipperton seems to have been outwitted by the marquis, who lately broke his word, and by this the crew of the Success were provoked to murmur against their captain for trusting him.

Large fortunes were made in this way, though occasionally foreigners would step in, and outbid the Phoenician speculators, who were not content unless they gained above a hundred per cent. on each transaction.

Among your father's personal documents, or somewhere, in some form, among his papers, there is something relating wholly to me: a few brief notes regarding an old, and quite unofficial, transaction which, now that your father is so unhappily lost to us, would be nearly or entirely incomprehensible and valueless to any one save myself.

The old lady, seeing Dic's eagerness to lend the money, seized the opportunity to lessen her obligation in the transaction and to make it appear that she was conferring a favor upon Dic. If she and Mr. Bays would condescend to borrow his money, she determined that Dic should fully appreciate the honor they were doing him. Therefore, after a formulative pause, she spoke to her daughter:

Isaac does not even send a token with Jacob to validate his suit for a daughter of Laban. But one would have enjoyed a letter from Ishmael to his half-brother, when his daughter was married to Esau, who was so much more like a son of Ishmael himself than of the amiable husband of Rebekah. She, by the way, had herself been fetched in an equally unlettered transaction.

Allow me a moment." He unlocked a drawer in a writing-table, and referred to some paper. "On the 1st of June we were together the whole day I paid your nephew five hundred and fifty pounds in bank-notes. Please refer to the diary." "You were together on that day, but there is no note of such a transaction. 'With E. G. Much talk about pictures, books, and music delightful! That's all."

The people sensed something in the whole transaction that they could not clearly grasp, an intangible, mysterious something, as great as it was indefinite. They felt blindly that they were being used without their consent in a game played by these master financiers, and they resented being sacrificed as dumb pawns in a move, the purpose of which they could not know.

I'm bound to admit Dan has his faults, but still " His brows expressed sorrow rather than anger on the subject of his hard-fisted relative. "Do you happen to know anything," pursued Olga, lowering her voice, "of a transaction about certain certain letters, which were given up by Daniel Otway?" "Why yes. I've heard something about that affair."

But so careful was he in regard to the transaction that he decided to borrow money of Joe Bragdon to buy the license and to pay the minister's fee. Not only would he be penniless on the day of settlement, but he would be in debt.