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Though the toy-shop woman called out a pleasant "good morning," after her habit, Caroline thought she peered curiously from behind her grove of spades, and that she was no doubt wondering what it felt like to be made the "talk of the place" especially by a gentleman who allowed stout, middle-aged Mr. Creddle to threaten horse-whipping with impunity.

Then I told the chauffeur to take me to a toy-shop, where I stood staring through a plate-glass window at the elaborate playthings devised for the modern children of luxury. In the centre was a toy man-of-war, three feet in length, with turrets and guns, and propellers and a real steam-engine. As a boy I should have dreamed about it, schemed for it, bartered my immortal soul for it.

"An' I didn't get any black on yo'; did I, Miss China Cat?" "No, indeed. You were very nice," was the answer. "Come and play with us again." Then it was time for the toys to be very still and quiet, for the door of the store opened, and in came Mr. Mugg. "Ah, this is going to be a lovely day!" said the jolly toy-shop man. "I shall do a good business to-day!"

Down stairs, therefore, Kit went; and at the bottom of the stairs there was such a kitchen as was never before seen or heard of out of a toy-shop window, with everything in it as bright and glowing, and as precisely ordered too, as Barbara herself.

Her only doll was an old wooden creature with no real hair, and with long straight arms; she could never even sit down, for her back and her legs would not bend, and when Poppy came home and looked at her after she had been gazing in the toy-shop window she thought her very ugly indeed. One day when Poppy was standing under the Bar, a lady and a little girl came up to the shop.

The Gift Beautiful! The Gift Dutiful! The Gift that Didn't Come! Heigho! Manger and Toy-Shop, Miracle and Mirth, "Glisten and Tears, LAUGH at the years!" That's Christmas! Flame Nourice certainly was willing to laugh at the years. Eighteen usually is! Waking at Dawn two single thoughts consumed her, the Lay Reader, and the humpiest of the express packages downstairs.

The toy-shop was at the end of the street, and in they went; Johnnie to try all the whistles in the handles of the whips, and be much disgusted that all that had a real sound lash cost a shilling; David to open and shut the sixpenny knives with the gravity of a judge examining their blades; and Annie to gape about, and ask the price of everything, after the tiresome fashion of people, old or young, when they come out bent on spending, but without any aim or object.

"We've got a good many of them, too, I can tell you. Seventy-odd seventy-five, I think." "All right. Now don't forget your promise. Good day, madam." He went to a large toy-shop and began to buy in a way that appeared likely to exhaust the stock. "Where do you live?" asked the proprietor of the shop. "In Chicago."

Their next and merriest excursion was to Percy's lodgings, where he had various Greek curiosities which he wished to show them; and Theodora consented to come with her brother and sister in a simple straightforward way that Violet admired. His rooms were over a toy-shop in Piccadilly, in such a roar of sounds that the ladies exclaimed, and Arthur asked him how much he paid for noise.

Croesus is a youth like other youths; he is tall, like other youths; he is awkward, like other youths; he has black hair, as they all have who come from the Indies. Lodgings have been taken for him at Mrs. Rose's toy-shop." "I have lodgings there too," thought Mr. Warrington. "Who is Croesus they are talking of? How good the soup is!"