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Some time during that century, when there was a great deal of popular interest in music, the first instrument with both keys and strings was built. It must have sounded as tinkly as one of those tiny children's pianos which you can buy at every toy-shop. There it was perfected into the "spinet" which was so called after the inventor, Giovanni Spinetti of Venice.

The state of ennui, when contrasted with that of pleasurable mental or bodily activity, becomes odious and insupportable to children. Our readers must have remarked that Herbert, when he seized upon the radish-seeds in the rational toy-shop, had not then learned just notions of the nature of property. Mad. de Rosier did not, like Mrs.

He purchased fine shaving-plate of the toy-shop women, and a couple of magnificent brocade bedgowns, in which his worship lolled at ease, and sipped his chocolate of a morning. He had swords and walking-canes, and French watches with painted backs and diamond settings, and snuff boxes enamelled by artists of the same cunning nation.

For there is war in Notting Hill." The little toy-shop keeper sprang up suddenly, slapping his fat hands like two fans on the counter. "War?" he cried. "Not really, sir? Is it true? Oh, what a joke! Oh, what a sight for sore eyes!" Wayne was almost taken aback by this outburst. "I am delighted," he stammered. "I had no notion " He sprang out of the way just in time to avoid Mr.

Others were genuine purchasers, and between the two they created so much traffic in the toy-shop, that the multitude so difficult to move by mere suasion, but so prone to follow blindly in the wake of a senseless rush, when once the rush takes place began to move in the direction of the toyshop, and shortly before Christmas the demand for toys was so great, that Boone had to engage two assistants to carry on the business, and even the lane itself began to feel the benefit of the sudden increase of traffic.

Sheriff Scott into a considerable design of planting; many acres were accordingly set out with fir, and the little feathery besoms gave a false scale and lent a strange air of a toy-shop to the moors. A great, rooty sweetness of bogs was in the air, and at all seasons an infinite melancholy piping of hill birds.

Was there ever anything so delightful, especially to David, who loved nothing so well as running after George Bowles the carpenter, and handling his tools. What was the price of them? Just ten shillings and sixpence. They were very cheap, the woman of the toy-shop said.

They were all very much dejected, excepting their major, who was a big jolly-looking Dutchman, with medals enough, on his left breast, to have furnished the window of a tolerable toy-shop.

I had reached the open place with the lights and the music; but how shall I describe the spectacle that I beheld? "I have spoken of the effect of a toy-shop on my feelings.

Umbrellas were being shut up, and wayfarers, who had taken shelter beneath the trees, ventured from one foot pavement to another through muddy streams which were rushing into the gutters. Jeanne noticed with special interest a lady and a little girl, both of them fashionably dressed, who were standing beneath the awning of a toy-shop near the bridge.