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But he had outguessed Jess Tighe that time. His luck had sure stood up fine. The occasion called for a demonstration. He took off his broad-rimmed gray hat. "Three rousing cheers, Mr. Dingwell," he announced ceremoniously. "Now, all together." Rising to his toes, he waved his hat joyously, worked his shoulders like a college cheer leader, and gave a dumb pantomime of yelling.

Cowperwood's meeting with Tighe & Company had come about in the ordinary pursuance of his duties as outside man for Waterman & Company. From the first Mr. Tighe took a keen interest in this subtle young emissary. "How's business with you people?" he would ask, genially; or, "Find that you're getting many I.O.U.'s these days?"

With the evil influence of Tighe removed, there would be a chance for the park to develop along more wholesome lines. He had been like a sinister shadow that keeps away the sunlight. She drew a deep breath. "I don't wish him any harm. But it will be a good thing for all of us when he can't make us more sorrow and trouble." "He never made me any," Charlton answered. "Didn't he?"

"All I ask is that you don't cross my path again. Next time I'll let Jess Tighe have his way." "I didn't go into the park to spy on your people, Miss Rutherford. I went to " "I care nothing about why you came." The girl turned to Dingwell, her chin in the air. "Better let him rest every mile or two. I don't want him breaking down in our country after all the trouble I've taken."

"That is Jess," the girl told Beaudry. "Don't mind if he is gruff or bad-tempered. He is soured." But evidently this was not the morning for Tighe to be gruff. He came to meet them on his crutches, a smile on his yellow, sapless face. That smile seemed to Roy more deadly than anger. It did not warm the cold, malignant eyes nor light the mordant face with pleasure.

When he had left the office of Tighe & Co., seven years before, it was with the idea that henceforth and forever he would have nothing to do with the stock-brokerage proposition; but now behold him back in it again, with more vim than he had ever displayed, for now he was working for himself, the firm of Cowperwood & Co., and he was eager to satisfy the world of new and powerful individuals who by degrees were drifting to him.

Young Cowperwood would not have been admitted at all, as either a broker or broker's agent or assistant, except that Tighe, feeling that he needed him and believing that he would be very useful, bought him a seat on 'change charging the two thousand dollars it cost as a debt and then ostensibly taking him into partnership.

The voice was the same as that of the shawled woman LeGrand Blossom had met on the ferryboat the night before, and it was the voice of Annie Tighe, alias Maude Warren, alias Morocco Kate, one of the cleverest of New York's de luxe crooks. "So you have a hand in the game, have you, my dear?" mused the colonel, as he caught the now well-remembered tones.

The two lame men refused to do anything but march as best they could; but poor Martin Tighe, more disabled than they, was brought out and lifted into Henry Merrill's best wagon, where he sat up, straight and soldierly, with his boy for driver. There was a little flag in the whip-socket before him, which flapped gayly in the breeze.

I knew him quite well I may say he was very good to me." "Yes," murmured Viola, and somehow her heart was beating strangely. What did it all mean? Who was this this impossible person who claimed business relations, yes, even friendliness, with the late Mr. Carwell? "And now to tell you what I came for," went on Miss Tighe.