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After her supper she went to a picture show. She was amazed to find there, instead of the accustomed orchestra, a pipe-organ that panted and throbbed and rumbled over lugubrious classics. The picture was about a faithless wife. Terry left in the middle of it. She awoke next morning at seven, as usual, started up wildly, looked around, and dropped back. Nothing to get up for.

She could feel the shadow gliding round outside to the doorway. Her heart throbbed as if it would burst; her fingers grasped feverishly at the latch. Then slowly, silently, the latch was raised; the girl fled to the corner by the stove, and stood there covering her face with her hands. The door opened, closed again, and the latch was pressed down firmly. "Where are you, Pansy, little friend?

This impression grew upon him so rapidly that he began to look searchingly about the apartment, while his pulses throbbed less heavily, his mind grew more composed, his blood began to cool, and he ceased his excited passings up and down the floor.

He had received from Smerdyakov that morning an assurancethat she had promised to come without fail.” The incorrigible old man’s heart throbbed with excitement; he paced up and down his empty rooms listening. He had to be on the alert. She must not be a second in the passage, for fearwhich God forbid!—that she should be frightened and run away.

Her heart throbbed with a sudden rush of intense gratitude towards the man who had so amply fulfilled his trust as guardian, and she glanced up wistfully at the big photograph of him which stood upon the chimney-piece. Propped against the photo-frame was a square white envelope on which was written: To be given to my ward, Sara Tennant, after my death.

If only she could have believed it; but the bleeding heart throbbed: 'Lost lost lost. It was not money that Helen had seen and accepted; it was something that she herself had been too blind and weak to see. In Helen's discovery she helplessly partook. He was of value, then. He, whom she had not found good enough for her, was good enough for Helen.

The mighty curtain of the Metal Things pulsed and throbbed; its units interweaving block and globe and pyramid of which it was woven, each seeming to strain at leash. "Come!" cried Norhala and led the way through the portal. Close behind her we pressed. I stumbled, nearly fell, over a brown-faced, leather-cuirassed body that lay half over, legs barring the threshold.

Every pulse in Lina's heart throbbed wildly, and she sat leaning eagerly forward with a half-expectant, half-frightened air, as the steps paused before her door. A low, quick knock caused her to start from the floor. She looked wildly round, as if seeking some means of escape, then sunk against the wall, while her whole frame trembled with agitation.

Her heart throbbed faster when she thought of the meeting with Antony, now close at hand; for Charmian had gone with the Nubian to invite him to join her again. They had started several hours ago, and she awaited their return with increasing impatience. She had summoned him for their last mutual battle. That he would come she did not doubt. But could she succeed in rekindling his courage?

Her big dark eyes had held him enthralled, inspiring him to paint in glorious colors every detail of the remarkable journey. As he drew to a close, her hand fell involuntarily on his knee. A tremor dashed through his veins, and his heart throbbed fiercely. "How glorious it must be to love like that," she almost whispered.