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Little demons, with long saws for noses, are making dreadful incisions into the toes of the unhappy sufferer; some are bringing pans of hot coals to keep the wounded member warm; a huge, solemn nightmare sits on the invalid's chest, staring solemnly into his eyes; a monster, with a pair of drumsticks, is banging a devil's tattoo on his forehead; and a pair of imps are nailing great tenpenny nails into his hands to make his happiness complete.

When she spoke agin I thought I should ha' dropped. "On 'is right arm," she ses, "unless he's 'ad it rubbed off." "You can't rub out tattoo marks," ses the skipper. They all stood looking at me as if they was waiting for something. I folded my arms tight and stared back at 'em. "If you ain't this lady's 'usband," ses the skipper, turning to me, "you can take off your coat and prove it."

Moon there was none, for the faint silver crescent that gleamed for a moment through the swift-sailing wisps of vapor had dropped beneath the horizon soon after tattoo, and the mournful strains of "taps," borne on the rising wind, seemed to signal "extinguish lights" to the entire firmament as well as to Fort Sibley.

We'll teach him to respect warrants issued under authority of 43d King George III.," and the dictator of Fort Gibraltar fussed angrily among the papers of his desk and beat a threatening tattoo with knuckles and heels.

I could hear her teeth chatter. "I placed the cup to my lips; her hand, holding a spoon, trembled so that the spoon beat a tattoo on her saucer. She was watching me in breathless suspense; and all at once I turned full toward her. "'The taste of this tea is singular, I said, 'I should call it very bad. "'Oh, it is excellent! she muttered, between her chattering teeth.

The interruption came from without. From the parade ground of Wellington Barracks the drums and fifes sounding the tattoo shrilled through the open window with a startling clearness like a sharp summons, and diminished as the band marched away across the gravel and again grew loud.

He swore at his luck in having to ship land-lubbers, but took me on; and before we reached Southport now Kenosha I was good enough so that he wanted me to ship back with him. It was on this trip that I let the cook tattoo this anchor on my forearm, and thus got the reputation among the people of the prairies of having been a sailor, and therefore a pretty rough character.

Pollyooly looked at him and waited for further information to throw light on his manifest disturbance of spirit. He drummed a tattoo on the bare table with his fingers, frowning the while; then he said: "Constancy to the ideal, though perhaps out of place in a man, is alike woman's privilege and her duty.

Lieutenant Derby, "Squibob," was one of the number, as also Fred Steele, "Neighbor" Jones, and others, when, just after "tattoo," the orderly-sergeants came to report the result of "tattoo" roll-call; one reported five men absent, another eight, and so on, until it became certain that twenty-eight men had deserted; and they were so bold and open in their behavior that it amounted to defiance.

Then the sick man fell asleep and the rain came down again not in a thunder shower this time, but steadily, mournfully, playing a tattoo on the zinc roof of the veranda, filling the place with drizzling sounds, dreary beyond expression. With the rain came gloom so deep that Adams had to light the paraffin lamp.