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Enderby turned his horse round and proceeded on his way slowly, the old man striding along beside him like a stork. "Why do you dub me Knight?" he asked, his eyes searching the face of the old man. "Why shouldna aw call thee Knight if the King calls thee Knight? It is the dooty of a common man to call thee Sir John, and tak off his hat at saying o' it."

"Laird!" answered the farmer, not a little moved, "there's no a man I wad raither see at my wark nor yersel'. A' o' them, men an' women, work the better whan ye're amo' them. They wad be affrontit no to haud up wi' a gentleman! Sae come awa' an' walcome! ye'll tak something afore we fa'tu?" Cosmo accepted a jug of milk, half cream, from the hand of Elsie.

When we had got within twenty feet or so of the landing, a dame in a red woollen kerchief called out: "What hae ye done wi' Mungo, John Paul?" "CAPTAIN John Paul, Mither Birkie," spoke up a coarse fellow with a rough beard. And a laugh went round. "Ay, captain! I'll captain him!" screamed the carlin, pushing to the front as the oars were tossed, "I'll tak aith Mr.

We'd just won a battle!" "Tak totchno!" said the soldier gravely, "Twenty versts! the horses won't do it, your Honour!" "They've got to do it!" said Trenchard sharply, and the echo of the Austrian cannon, again as it seemed quite close at hand, emphasised his words.

He then pretended to search for her in the garden and all over the house, and returned with the news that she was nowhere to be seen. "She's feared that ye're come to tak her wi' ye, and she's run awa oot aboot some gait. I'll sen' the laddies to luik for her." "Na, na, never min'. Gin she disna want to see me, I'm sure I needna want to see her.

Glossin liked to tak an inventar o' the property, and gie her a receipt before the Deacon or, what she wad like muckle better, an it could be sealed up and left in Deacon Bearcliff's hands it wad mak her mind easy. She was for naething but justice on a' sides. Mrs.

Then ye can gang awa to your bed and tak your rest." "You talk like a like a woman. It is easy to gie other folks' siller awa. I hae worked for my siller." "Your siller, deacon? Ye hae naught but a life use o' it. Ye canna take it awa wi' ye. Ye can leave it to the ane you like best, but that vera person may scatter it to the four corners o' the earth. And why not?

But the divine effort is never relaxed; the carrion in the sun will convert itself to grass and flowers; and man, though in brothels, or jails, or on gibbets, is on his way to all that is good and true. Burns, with the wild humor of his apostrophe to "poor old Nickie Ben," "O wad ye tak a thought, and mend!" has the advantage of the vindictive theologian.

"Ay I I were mad mad wi' rage an' blood lust, an' oh, man, Peter! I kicked 'ee. Theer," said he, straightening his shoulders, "leastways I can look 'ee in the eye now that be off my mind. An' now, if so be you 'm wishful to tak' ye whack at me why, let it be a good un, Peter." "No, I shall never raise my hand to you again, George."