United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I do not feel so sympathetic with the Krumen or their employers in this matter as I should, for the Krumen are silly hens not to go and wipe out Liberia on shore, and the white men are silly hens not to but I had better leave that opinion unexpressed. The power of managing Kruboys is a great accomplishment for any one working the West Coast.

There are times when my heart warms to the Odyssey more than it does to the Iliad. The personal appeal is stronger in the Odyssey. There is more romance, more charm. The interest is concentrated in Ulysses and does not scatter as it does in the Iliad, where Hector is undoubtedly the most sympathetic figure. And the coming home of Ulysses arouses emotion more than anything in the Iliad.

A dirty white mongrel dog belonging to the barge came up to her, sniffed, and made friends; then, at last obeying a series of whistles from the boy, looked at her apologetically and trotted off. Her gaze followed him wistfully, for he was a very human dear dog, and with a sympathetic understanding of all her difficulties in his deep topaz eyes.

With all her gifts, which have left many records that may be read, and in spite of a few shadows that fall more or less upon all earthly relations, not the least of her legacies to posterity was the beautiful example, rarer then than now, of that true and sympathetic family life in which lies the complete harmony of existence, a safeguard against the storms of passion, a perennial fount of love that keeps the spirit young, the tranquility out of which spring the purest flowers of human happiness and human endeavor.

Romola was moved with sympathetic indignation, for in her nature too there lay the same large claims, and the same spirit of struggle against their denial. She tried to calm her father by a still prouder word than his. "Nevertheless, father, it is a great gift of the gods to be born with a hatred and contempt of all injustice and meanness.

When Amos arrived at the Liberty Tree once more, several hundred people were there, eager to learn the latest intelligence regarding Chris; but he could only make the same reply he had made so often during the day, and when it was learned that he really had no other information than this to impart, the sympathetic or the curious ones fell back, gathering in little groups to discuss the terrible events of the day, as they had been discussing them since early morning.

The more exquisite quality of Deronda's nature that keenly perceptive sympathetic emotiveness which ran along with his speculative tendency was never more thoroughly tested.

Silky was quite to be trusted in the farmyard; he had paid many visits to it, and always behaved as a pattern of propriety. The first things to attract Blanche's attention were three pretty straw beehives. Mrs. Shaw was proud of her honey and fond of her bees, and seemed to understand them in some curious, sympathetic way.

"Perhaps you did not mean to keep back the letters," said Von Barwig to him in a low, sympathetic voice. Joles looked at him in blank astonishment. "You have perhaps a family to support," went on Von Barwig. "I will ask Mr. Stanton to forgive you." "Sir!" said Mr. Joles, with some slight show of indignation, "I do not understand you."

"All my life long," said Bernard Farrell slowly, "all my life everything that I have touched has turned to gold, and everyone I have loved," he paused, lingering on the word, and again Mollie shivered in sympathetic understanding "everyone whom I have loved has died!" The wind seemed to take up the word, and repeat it in melancholy echo.