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He came stubbing down the country road with a brown hickory stick in his hand which at every step he set vigorously into the soft earth. Though not tall, he gave the impression of being enormously strong.

In fact, it seemed that the incidents were of no greater moment to them than would be the stubbing of one's toe at a street crossing in the outer world they but laughed uproariously and sped on with me.

At the end of that time, the little man came stubbing down the walk, making many apologies, and saying "he got so engaged about the darned 'liquor law, and the putty-heads that made it, that he'd no idee 'twas so late."

Now and then there was a bit of a crack; but whether it was near or far, whether it was Case stubbing his toes within a few yards of me, or a tree breaking miles away, I knew no more than the babe unborn. And then, all of a sudden, Vesuvius went off. At first it was just a son of a gun of a row, and a spout of fire, and the wood lighted up so that you could see to read. And then the trouble began.

The mourning ran not in Trim's head, whatever it did in Susannah's. I hope said Trim, explaining himself, I hope in God the news is not true. I heard the letter read with my own ears, answered Obadiah; and we shall have a terrible piece of work of it in stubbing the ox-moor. Oh! he's dead, said Susannah. As sure, said the scullion, as I'm alive.

It was not a very highly-raised board. It was not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church-door, but 'twas enough it served. Stubbing it squarely with his toe, Henry shot forward, all arms and legs. It is the instinct of Man, in such a situation, to grab at the nearest support. Henry grabbed at the Hotel Superba, the pride of the Esplanade.

The officer of Engineers hardly glanced after the retreating couple. He stepped across the threshold of the disused farm-kitchen, holding the little wooden box carefully in both his dogskin-gloved hands. He crossed to the hearth, stubbing his toe against a jutting floor-brick, and as he did so he caught his breath.

Why, this is the very man! Is he a friend of yours?" Archie coughed. "More a relation than a friend, what? Son-in-law, don't you know!" Mr. Brewster's amiability had vanished. "What damned foolery have you been up to NOW?" he demanded. "Can't I move a step without stubbing my toe on you? Why the devil did you bid?" "We thought it would be rather a fruity scheme.

'Why, there's lots of timber that ought to come out of the plantation; and there's places where the roots want stubbing up horribly. These things always pay for themselves if they are properly done. Any good done in the world always pays. Clara often remembered those words afterwards when she was thinking of her cousin's character. Any good done in the world always pays!

Nearer and nearer he came, till in that still air it was possible to hear the panting of his huskies as they lunged forward in the traces, jerking their bodies to right and left as they desperately strove to escape the descending lash of the punishing whip. The man himself tottered as he ran, stubbing the toes of his snowshoes every now and then as he took a new step.