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"Have to be getting back. See you later." He disappeared, and Uncle Chris turned slowly to descend the stairs. As he reached the floor below, the door of the stage-box opened, and Mrs Peagrim came out. "Oh, Major Selby!" cried the radiant and vivacious hostess. "I couldn't think where you had got to. I have been looking for you everywhere."

Bryany, did their best, each in his own way, to make him feel at home. "Take this chair, Machin," said Stirling, indicating a chair at the front. "Oh! I can't take the front chair!" Edward Henry protested. "Of course you can, my dear Machin!" said Brindley, sharply. "The front chair in a stage-box is the one proper seat in the house for you. Do as your doctor prescribes."

He was forthwith commissioned to start immediately and take a stage-box at one of the places of entertainment, where two great rivals of the Doctor genus promised to laugh dull care out of the spirit of man triumphantly, and at the description of whose drolleries any one with faith might be half cured. The youth gave his address on paper to Emilia. "Make haste, sir," said Mr. Pole. "And, stop.

The next moment, however, a more perfect recollection of all that Lord Sherbrooke had said, led him to conclude that she could not be the person to whom he alluded. He had spoken of her as a girl, as of one younger than himself; whereas the lady who was reigning in the stage-box was evidently older, and had more the appearance of a married than a single woman.

And the fact illustrates, as nothing else could, the prodigious popularity of the man and the marvelous power of his art. At the répétition générale of Toussaint L'Ouverture the cream of artistic Paris was present. The members of the Comédie Française came in force; Lamartine occupied a stage-box; the house was full of poets, novelists, painters, artists and authors of every description.

In the left-hand stage-box were gathered a little group of his own, old circle, about the empty chair which had been reserved, in case faintly possible the erratic one should suddenly appear. Kashkine, Laroche, Ostrovsky, and Ivan's passionate young admirer Rimsky-Korsakow, sat there in silence, all of them thinking the same half-bitter, half-resentful thoughts.

"My levity would be quite shocking." "Oh! gentlemen, what a happy man will he be who is loved first!" "You think, then, that she will have many lovers?" "Being as free as air " "All the boxes are full, except the stage-box opposite to that in which Mdlle. de Cardoville is seated. Happy the occupiers of that box!" "Did you see the English ambassador's lady in the dress circle?"

In the eight weeks of January and February, the opera was given eleven times. During the latter month the St. Petersburg company began to rehearse it; and at the end of March, on the Monday after Easter one of the great nights of the year Ivan and Ostrovsky sat together in a stage-box, watching the delight of one of the most magnificent audiences ever assembled in the Grand Theatre.

"Unworthy I! But my worth is a hundred times greater than that of any among you, wretches that you are! You make my millions a reproach to me, but who has helped me to spend them? Thou, cowardly and treacherous comrade, who hidest thy sick pasha-like obesity in the corner of thy stage-box! I made thy fortune along with my own in the days when we shared all things in brotherly community.

Love comes to harlots and to queens as well as to us ordinary women, and they suffer every whit as much as we do, perhaps more keenly on account of the hopeless positions they fill. It had come to Zulannah, uncontrollably, that night when, unveiled, garbed in silks and satins and hung with jewels, she brazenly graced the stage-box at a gala performance.