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But, as I said, this had been spozen. But it is known from actual eyesight that she marks all her sheets, and napkins, and piller-cases, and such, "M. D. S." And I asked her one day what the M. stood for, for I 'spozed, of course, the D. S. stood for Drusillia Sypher. And she told me with a real lot of dignity that the initials stood for "Miss Deacon Sypher."

"Help to reduce the surplus population!" sez I, and my voice shook with indignation as I said it. Sez I "Elnathan Allen, you had better stop a-pilin' up your statisticks, for a spell, and come down onto the level of humanity and human brotherhood." Sez I, "Spozen you should take it to yourself for a spell, imagine how it would be with you if you had been born there onbeknown to yourself."

"And what a noble thing it wuz," sez I, "for Lady Aberdeen to do to gin these poor Irish lace-makers a start that mebby will lift 'em right up into prosperity; and spozen," sez I, "that you buy me a yard or two?" But he fairly tore me away from the spot. He acted fearful agitated.

"I done tol' you all right pine-blank not ter come. Ef de house lil' like dat creetur is, what you gwine do when night come? En den spozen 'pon top er dat dat a big rain come up? Oh, I tol' you 'fo' you started! Who in de name er sense ever heah talk er folks gwine down in a spring? You mought er know'd sump'in gwine ter happen. Oh, I tol' you!"

In one way or another Sweetest Susan and Buster John and Drusilla showed their amazement very plainly especially Drusilla, who took no pains to conceal hers. Every time Mr. Rabbit moved she would nudge Sweetest Susan or Buster John and exclaim: "Look at dat!" or, "We better be gwine!" or, "Spozen Brer Fox er Brer Wolf come up an' dey er dat big!" Mrs.

"No, I kin't onderstand nothin' 'bout it, only yer makin' a outrageous ole fool o' yerself, and freezin' us to death. Mr. Dolf, 'spozen we go in."

He sez spozen he wuz slow with his spring's work and didn't keep his fences up, or hustle round so and mebby didn't pay Ury so big wages as the Loontowners did in their factory, and wuzn't what they called sound on the doctrines.

Dog talkin' ter hisse'f way off in de woods. "'Spozen he runs up on us, Brer Possum, w'at you gwineter do? sez Brer Coon, sezee. Brer Possum sorter laugh 'round de cornders un his mouf. "'Oh, ef he come, Brer Coon, I'm gwineter stan' by you, sez Brer Possum. 'W'at you gwineter do? sezee. "'Who? me? sez Brer Coon. 'Ef he run up onter me, I lay I give 'im one twis', sezee."

Sez I, "Ury's hair is too short to braid." "Well, you can spozen the case, can't you? But as I wuz sayin', for all these coolers are so polite, I would trust Ury as fur agin as I would any on 'em. And then they write jest the other way from we do in Jonesville, begin their letters on the hind side and write towards 'em; and so with planin' a board, draw the plane towards 'em.

Why, you jest spozen a hundred swarms of bees big as giants, with buzzes big accordin', all a swarmin' and a buzzin', and you'll git a little idee of the noise and tumult of Coney Island. But you won't spozen' fur enough, I don't believe. Yes, I laid out to spend considerable time in Dreamland next day.