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'Pour la populace ce n'est jamais par envie d'attaquer qu'elle se souleve, mais par impatience de souffrir."

She had never felt the knife before, when she had been only Rosa Damascena: it hurt her very much, and her heart bled. "Il faut souffrir pour etre belle," said the Banksiae in a good- natured effort at consolation.

'My dear Maud, however just, you appear to me a little cruel; you don't seem to remember how much you are yourself to blame; you have one faithful friend at least, whom I advise your consulting I mean your looking-glass. The foolish fellow is young, quite ignorant in the world's ways. He is in love desperately enamoured. Aimer c'est craindre, et craindre c'est souffrir.

"Quand j'aurai de la peine aux Carmelites," says unhappy Louise, about to retire from these magnificent courtiers and their grand Galerie des Glaces, "je me souviendrai de ce que ces gens la m'ont fait souffrir!" A troop of Bossuets inveighing against the vanities of courts could not preach such an affecting sermon.

I can get no conception of your state of mind any more than a nightingale could conceive the state of mind of a sparrow. In a sparrowish way, it must be rather blissful no? We artists are the salt of the earth, of course; but every art knows its own bitterness, and il faut souffrir pour être sel."

When last I closed it, little could I have foreseen the terrible blow that awaited me. Well may I exclaim with the French writer whose works I have been just reading, "Nous, qui sommes bornés en tout, comment le sommes-nous si peu quand il s'agit de souffrir." How slowly has time passed since!

The Dudevants, after their return home in 1826, began to mix more freely in such society as La Châtre and the environs afforded, and at certain seasons there was no lack of provincial gayeties. Aurore Dudevant all her life long was quite indifferent to what she has summarily dismissed as "the silly vanities of finery" "Souffrir pour être belle" was what from her girlhood she declined to do.

"Already I've had to slit my waistcoat down the back. Poor old Peddle will have an apoplectic fit when he sees it. I've grown a bit since these elegant rags were made for me." "Il faut souffrir pour être beau," said Peggy. "If my being beau pleases you, Peggy, I'll suffer gladly. I've been in tighter places." He threw himself down in the corner of the sofa and joggled up and down like a child.

The Jesuits say that it was not the Christian Indians who insisted on burning him, but the French themselves, "qui voulurent absolument qu'il fut brule a petit feu, ce qu'ils executerent eux-memes. Un Jesuite le confessa et l'assista a la mort, l'encourageant a souffrir courageusement et chretiennement les tourmens."

The Russian revolution was, in fact, as much forced upon the Russian people as war was forced upon ourselves and America. Le peuple, wrote Sully three centuries ago, ne se soulève jamais par envie d'attaquer, mais par impatience de souffrir; and in Russia even hunger and Protopopov barely provoked the people to action.