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Brett," he said doggedly, "but I'm blessed if I can follow your reasoning." "No, of course not. Eighteen months of settled conviction are not to be dispelled in an instant. But accept my theory. This man, the guilty man, must have resided in Stowmarket for some hours, if not days. Many people saw him. He could not live in Sleagill, where even the village dogs would suspect him.

"Beechcroft, the family residence, is situated four miles from Stowmarket, close to the small village of Sleagill. After his father's death, the young Sir Alan went for a protracted tour round the world. Meanwhile his first cousin, Mr.

Helen was very much upset by the painful scene which had just been enacted. Its vulgarity appalled her. In a little old-world hamlet like Sleagill, a riotous cow or frightened horse supplied sensation for a week.

Now, I wonder if that type-writer has been repaired?" The detective had seldom seen Brett so thoroughly roused. His eyes were brilliant, his nose dilated as if he could smell the very scent of the anonymous scribe. "An illiterate man," he repeated, "in evening dress; the same height and appearance as Hume; in a village like Sleagill on a New Year's Eve; four miles from everywhere.

"The drifting must cease," said Brett decisively. "Beechcroft Hall will probably provide scope for activity." They reached Stowmarket by a late train. Next morning they drove to Sleagill a pretty village, with a Norman church tower standing squarely in the midst of lofty trees, and white-washed cottages and red-tiled villa-residences nestling in gardens.

David Hume-Frazer, lived at Beechcroft during the shooting season, and incidentally fell in love with Miss Helen Layton, daughter of the rector of Sleagill, the Rev. Wilberforce Layton." Hume stirred uneasily in his chair, and the barrister paused, expecting him to say something. But the other only gasped brokenly: "Go on; go on!" "Love lasts longer than death or crime," mused Brett.

I gave the beastly thing to him because he became interested in Japanese arms during his Eastern tour, you will recollect." "Ah, well. That is a nice point for Mr. Okasaki to settle if we chance to come across him. Don't forget, Winter, I want to see that Ko-Katana, Whom did you meet at Sleagill, Hume?" The young man laughed. "Helen, of course." "Any other person?" "No.

Hume without a beard, and hint at a reward if information is forthcoming. Money quickens the agricultural intellect." The detective, doubting much, obeyed. Hume, asking if there was any reason why he should not drive back to Sleagill for an hour before dinner, was sarcastically advised to go a good deal farther.

The kindly familiarity of the barrister's words to one who, during many weary days, suspected all men of loathing him as a murderer at large, was directed by infinite tact. Hume held out his hand, "You are a good chap," he said. Hume did not send a telegram to the Sleagill Rectory. He explained that, owing to the attitude adopted by the Rev. Eastham.

Eastham to select prize books for the school treat to-morrow at eleven. " With love, yours, "Who brought this note?" inquired Hume from the waiter as he picked up pen and paper. "A man from Sleagill, sir. Any reply?" "Certainly. Tell him to wait in the tap-room at my expense." He commenced to write. "Any message?" he asked Brett. "Yes.