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The third was a youth who addressed one of the older men as "father." All were armed with six-guns, and all were bound for the valley of San Simon. The stage had reached the bottom of the hill now, and as the team reached the level ground, the driver lined them out and settled back in his seat with a satisfied grunt.

It was their intention to use this as a battering-ram to smash in the door of the store. The cry from the defenders was "Let 'em have it!" The terrific thunder of the shotgun and the buffalo rifle blended with the loud roar of six-guns. Hammers fell with deadly regularity. Fire blazed from every loophole and shooting space.

His answer was a roar of six-guns. He felt Chinook shiver. He jumped clear as the horse rolled to its side. Sundown, retreating to the house, flung open the bedroom window and kneeling, laid the barrel of his gun on the sill. Deliberately he sighted, hesitated, and flung the gun from him. "God Almighty I ought to but I can't!" He had seen Corliss fall and thought that he had been killed.

They think we're holy terrors that eat with our six-guns beside our plates and the like of that. They make me plum tired. I'd like to wish we knew her brand." "I can tell you that," said Chip, cynically. "There's just two bunches to choose from.

Best use yore six-guns fer this, boys that'll leave ye one hand t' guide yore bosses with, and they're handier all around in close work. Air ye ready? Then come on foller me 'n' come a-whoopin'!" A-whooping they came, up out of the draw and in among the trees as though they had a regiment behind them.

His one solace while in the store was the array of rifles and six-guns which he almost reverenced for their suggestive potency. They represented power, and the only law that he believed in. Some time after Pete had disappeared, the store-keeper, going over his stock, missed a heavy-caliber six-shooter. He wondered if the boy had taken it.

"Buck," said his father huskily, "I'm askin' your pardon. I got sort of panicky for a minute, that's all. But what are we goin' to do with him? If he don't get help he'll be a dead man quick. An' you can't go to Elkhead for the doctor. They'd doctor Dan with six-guns, that's what they'd do." "What could of made him do it?" said Mrs. Daniels, wiping a sudden burst of tears from her eyes.

And he could not free himself from the vision of Panhandle crawling toward him in the patch of white light, the flitting of horsemen back and forth, and the red flash of six-guns. Bartley was only too anxious to leave the place. It was not until they were two days out of Phoenix that Cheyenne mentioned the fight and then he did so casually, as though seeking an opinion from his comrade.

There would be no Winchester repeaters, nor trout rods with multiplying reels, nor any of the modern weapons for slaying game or fish. It would be a sort of return to the wild. And here the first trouble arose with Injun; that of leaving his six-guns behind. It took some time to coax him to do this; to entrust them to the safe in the ranch house. But, that done, it was necessary only to get Mr.

He stepped to the table, returned his own six-guns to their holsters and then reached out and seized Major Stover by the collar. He shook him like a rat as he jerked him to his feet. "Well, majah, as yo' calls yo'self," he drawled, "looks like the surprise worked the othah way round!" Stover's flabby face was blue-gray. His knees gave way under him and his coarse lips were twitching.