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Need I tell you how much I should like to see you again, and how sincerely I desire that your sojourn in London will be agreeable to you in one way or another? I can do nothing, nothing, except the best thing of all: to love, to bless, to admire. Your affection is very dear to us; continue in it; it is the sun of our starless sky. May God be with you. Our hearts are always yours.

It seemed natural that she should pause. She went to the piano and looked absently at leaves of music, pinching up the corners. At last she turned toward Klesmer and said, with almost her usual air of proud equality, which in this interview had not been hitherto perceptible. "I congratulate you sincerely, Herr Klesmer. I think I never saw any one so admirable as Miss Arrowpoint.

I have finished the first volume, and am half-way through the first proof of the second volume, of my confounded book, which half kills me by fatigue, and which I much fear will quite kill me in your good estimation. If you have leisure I should much like a little news of you and your doings and your family. Ever yours very sincerely, Holly House, Barking, E. November 24, 1870.

Our chaps are doing that consciously, willingly, almost without bitterness towards their enemies; for the rest it doesn't matter whether they sing hymns or ragtime. They've followed their ideal freedom and died for it. A former age expressed itself in Gregorian chants; ours, no less sincerely, disguises its feelings in ragtime. Since September I have been less than a month out of action.

But, with all that fellow's low-lived actions, I don't more sincerely despise him than I do certain other narrow-hearted scoundrels you have among you. I say this, not so much to raise him above the common standard of d ls, as to sink them below it. My idea of a d l is composed more of malice than of meanness. Since I commenced this letter I have passed through a scene entirely new.

His German heart could not keep still where there was singing, and now, in gratefulness at new-found health, he was more inclined to music than ever. So he joined heartily and sincerely in the song that begins: "Shall Simon bear his cross alone, And all the world go free? No, there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me.

With a sincerely ingrained trust that the scenes of dignity, opulence, and wisdom, set forth in these superficial letters, are not unsettling your intellect and causing you to yearn for a fuller existence. Concerning this person's well-sustained efforts to discover further demons. The behaviour of those invoked on two occasions.

Yet, having lived with my eyes open, I also knew that somebody would take Tessie away some day, in one manner or another, and though I professed to myself that marriage was nonsense, I sincerely hoped that, in this case, there would be a priest at the end of the vista. I am a Catholic.

It is the privilege of the party accused to say whatever he thinks proper; and I will take care that you shall enjoy that privilege in its utmost extent. But do you think it will conduce in any respect to your benefit, to throw out such insolent and intolerable insinuations?" "I thank you most sincerely," replied I, "for your caution; but I well know what it is I am doing.

Her maid, of course, accompanies her, but if I knew you were in the same train it would be an additional source of strength. Will you please write and let me know whether the 10.8 from Waterloo, Number 3 platform, on the 17th, suits you, and I will meet you there? Don't forget my caution, and keep up the tonic. Yours sincerely,