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"I shan't give you anything, Bob, this time," says he; "and I wish, my boy, you would not make any more such presents, for, really, they are too expensive." Expensive indeed! I hate meanness, even in a father. I must tell you about the silver-edged waistcoat which Bunting gave me. Mamma asked me about it, and I told her the truth, that it was a present from one of the boys for my kindness to him.

Meanwhile will you receive the Abbot? The monks will have deposited their burden." She composed her features into a fitting solemnity, and passed briskly through to the hall, Tressan ever at her heels. Here she found the coffin deposited on the table, its great black pall of velvet, silver-edged, sweeping down to the floor.

The horse started forward even more gaily, under the impression that he was going home. But for the drivers, the change was not so agreeable. A high wind had come up, the snow was falling faster, and the light of the winter afternoon, already beginning to fade, was obscured by high, dark, silver-edged banks of clouds. "Upon my word," said Riatt, "I think we had better go back."

Carry my clothes along the bank, will you? I'll try to make the east side it looks a little closer." In the few seconds they had talked, the boat had drifted under the bridge and now cut through the silver-edged shadow of the last timbers.

She could see him grave a little pompous, in his Sunday black, his footsteps creaking down the stone-flagged aisle, the silver-edged collecting bag held stiffly in his hand. "Couldn't you have saved a bit, Daddy?" she asked, "of all that wealth of youth just enough to live on?" "I might," he answered, "if I had known the value of it. I found a cable waiting for me in New York.

The crescent moon came forth, and beheld the fair maiden gazing far out over the silver-edged billows, her head resting upon her hand, her golden tresses falling gracefully over her shoulders, while from the deep recesses of her heart there sprung up that which had ever been, and yet was not, and took to itself a form.

The eye seemed to plunge into interminable forest vistas of dead leaves covering the ground and even floating on dim, moveless pools. The rounded ceiling was painted with silver-edged clouds, and the only light fell from a skylight like a great yellow moon.

He looked out at the slopes bathed in lustre, the silver-edged darkness of the woods, the spectral purple of the hills against the sky, and it seemed as though all the beauty of the night had been poured out to mock his wretchedness... He fell asleep, and when he woke the chill of the winter dawn was in the room. He felt cold and stiff and hungry, and ashamed of being hungry.

But the footfalls ceased, and the garden darkened by delicate yet swift degrees; a cloud had gone over the moon, fleecy, silver-edged, but still a cloud. The waning of the light seemed to her significant; she feared lest some bitter change might befall the moment; and went in, bolting the door behind her.

What hoary hierophant in the mysteries of cataphonics and diacoustics will undertake to track those trills across the blue bosom of the Atlantic or the purplish billows of the Indian Ocean? The wind went down with the sun; silver-edged cirri lost their glitter, and swift was