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We'll lead him up to the keg and pour it into him, if we have to. There won't nobody see us, deacon. We'll be in the back room, and we'll have Rufus shet the door. I guess you kin trust us, can't ye? I guess you ain't afraid we'll go round tellin' folks 'bout it, are ye? You know we're your friends, don't ye?" "Course I know it," retorted the deacon. "But it's some agin' my principles, boys.

She withdrew, and secreted it. She was about to lock up the secretary, when her eye fell on the title of a small manuscript volume in a corner; and as shet read, she pressed one hand convulsively to her heart, while twice with the other she grasped the volume, and twice withdrew the grasp.

"Now," he continued, when all the particulars of Mary's escape were made known, "there won't be any use in fighting; we can just get Miss Mary out of the snow, and then go home again." "You don't know keep your mouth shet dod ," said Sneak, suppressing the last word. "We are not sure of that," said Boone; "on the contrary, I think it is very probable we shall have fighting yet.

Mahcy Gray won't nebber run you on de groun'," exclaimed the negro, with so much earnestness in his tones that the captain turned about and listened to him. "He de bes' boy fur de Union you eber see, an' he take you right fru de Sound, wid his eyes shet, on de blackest night you eber was out in. But dat rebel Beardsley you don't want no truck wid him.

Brewster, Polly, and a few strangers lagging behind to watch the visitors. Just then Sary hurried in from the dance-hall. She gasped at the sight before her and quickly came to the rescue. "Shet yer eyes every one! The poor dear! Ah'll cover her up whiles some one finds her basque!" And Sary caught up Mrs. Halsey's jet- trimmed cape and wound it quickly about Barbara's bare neck and shoulders.

But bimeby he got so he couldn' stan' it no longer, en he'd hide hisse'f in de bushes w'eneber he seed anybody comin', en alluz kep' hisse'f shet up in his cabin atter he come in fum wuk.

She scarcely spoke during tea. The children were surprised to see her at home both for dinner and tea, and began to question her. "Now, you shet up, you little curiosity boxes," said Grannie, in her brisk, rather aggressive voice. "Ally is at home well, because she is." "Oh, Grannie! what sort of answer is that?" cried Polly, the youngest girl.

"Now, then," he said, "when I get down you shet the door at the top of the stairs tight, coz jest's soon's I open the outside door, thet hall's goin' to freeze up solid." "All right!" said Phoebe. "I'll see to it." Droop descended the stairs with a heavy tread, and as he reached the foot Phoebe closed the upper door, which she now noticed was provided with weather-strips.

"How long is it since you set eyes on him?" "Twenty-five years all of twenty-five years." Uncle Mo was greatly relieved at hearing this. "Well, but, M'riar twenty-five years! You're shet of the beggar clean shet of him! You are that, old girl, legally and factually. But then," said he, "when was you married to him?" "I've got my lines to show for that, Mo. July six, eighteen twenty-nine."

But thank Heaven, my good green braize veil tied round it with strong lutestring ribbon, held it on, and I see I still had holt of my trusty cotton umbrell, though the wind had blowed it open, but I shet it and grasped it firmly, thinkin' it wuz my only protector and safeguard now Josiah wuz lost, and I hastened away from that crazy spot.