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Some of these boys would settle down in France and make it their long, final home, under little wooden crosses. But they did not seem to think of that. At the foot of the gangplank stood the dispatch-rider and the man with the cigar. Several other men, evidently of their party, stood near by. Mr. Conne's head was cocked sideways and he scanned the gangway with a leisurely, self-assured look.

There would be no sacrifice in that; not so had Jephthah's daughter saved her father; not so could she show to that kindest, dearest of parents how much she was able to bear for his good. No; to one resolve must her whole soul be bound; and so resolving, she felt that she could make her great request to Bold with as much self-assured confidence as she could have done to his grandfather.

They have rules of conduct which cannot be called immoral, but which are certainly relics of a very ancient state of tribal morality. The humour of it is that the modern boy is so grave, so self-assured, and has such abundance of aplomb. He has acquired an air of mysterious sagacity, and occasionally seems to smile at the petty interests with which men divert themselves.

How Wolf, Maestro Gombert, and others had described the Emperor, and how he stood before her! This chivalrous, superb, almost youthful gentleman and hero, whose haughty, self-assured bearing so admirably suited the magnificence of his rich-hued garments, was said to be a gouty old man, bowed by the weight of care! Had it not been so abominable, it would have tempted her to laugh.

He was a youngish man, had the stoutness of indulgence in a fondness for eating and drinking but the stoutness was still well within the bounds of decency. His clothing bore out the suggestion of his self-assured way of stopping her the suggestion of a confidence-giving prosperity. "You look as if you needed a drink, too," said he. "How about it, lady with the lovely feet?"

"A word from Lucille, and the history book of the future must be differently written." "She will not speak that word," Mr. Sabin said. Lady Carey shrugged her shoulders. The subtlety of her smile faded away. Her whole face expressed a contemptuous and self-assured cynicism. "You know her very well," she murmured. "Yet she and I are no strangers.

"Well, it could not be worse than it is now, anyhow; I only wish it was settled one way or another." "Of course, it will be settled one way or another," said the jailer, with a superior's self-assured witticism. "Now, then, get along! Take your places!" The old woman's eyes vanished from the grating, and Maslova stepped out into the middle of the corridor.

Bellston was a self-assured young man, not particularly good-looking, with more colour in his skin than even Nicholas had. He had flushed a little in attracting her notice, though the flush had nothing of nervousness in it the air with which it was accompanied making it curiously suggestive of a flush of anger; and even when he laughed it was difficult to banish that fancy.

That people with naturally bad manners should have to be polite and considerate in their dealings with her, that people who usually held themselves aloof should have to be gracious and amiable, that the self-assured should have to be just a little humble and anxious where she was concerned, these things of course she intended to happen; she was a woman.

Saltash dismissed the waiter with a jerk of the eyebrows. He was utterly unabashed, amazingly self-assured. He met Jake's stern eyes with cheery effrontery. "Quite like old times!" he commented. "The only difference being, my good Jake, that on this occasion I have reached the winning-post first." Jake's look went beyond him to the slight figure by the table. Toby was on her feet.