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I can't lay it down again for Peter Orme to trample. Ernst, if you love me, take me away now. To Vienna anywhere only don't ask me to take up my life with him again. I can't I can't " "Love you?" repeated Ernst, slowly, "yes. Too well " "Too well " "Yes, too well for that, Gott sei dank, small one. Too well for that."

For an instant he seemed to forget how he had come there, but next moment he astonished his audience by waving his skinny arms above his head and crying out in a voice of rapture, "Gott sei gedanket! I am myself again. I feel I am!" Nor was the amazement lessened when the student, springing to his feet, burst into the same cry, and the two performed a sort of pas de joie in the middle of the road.

We are to live in the present though not for the present. The two lines of Goethe which Lewis Nettleship was so fond of quoting convey a valuable lesson: 'Nur we du bist, sei alles, immer kindlich: So bist du alles, bist unüberwindlich. 'Death does not count, as Nettleship used to say; and he met his own fate on the Alps with a cheerfulness which showed that he believed it.

There can be no better illustration than is furnished by this terrible scene of the magic power of mythology to invest the simplest physical phenomena with the most intense human interest; for the true significance of the whole picture is contained in the father's address to his child, "Sei ruhig, bleibe ruhig, mein Kind; In durren Blattern sauselt der Wind."

The second scene transports us to a valley, above which towers the castle of Wartburg. The second act opens in the singers' hall of the Wartburg. The interview between Tannhäuser and Elizabeth, which follows, gives rise to a long dialogue, closing with a union of the two voices in the charming duet, "Gepriesen sei die Macht."

In another movement the troops of General Cadorna were successful in obtaining a firm footing on the western face of the Carso Plateau, occupying Sdraissima, Polazzo, Vermegbano, and Monte Sei Bussi, which overlooks Monfalcone.

'Sei ruhig, he says: that means, 'hush your mouth and keep still." "Is he a Jew, and does he stay in a synagogue?" "No, he is a German Luteran, or a Dutch Deformed, or something that way." "What do you learn in?" said Johnny Bell. "Why, in little German Readers: what else would they be?" "Does it read like stories and verses?" "I don't know.

Their marriage had only been put off until he had bridged the dangerous time in the launching of his business. For Greesheimer had a mother, an old uncle and a sister and two small nephews to support. But this Zimmerman contract, "Gott sei danke!" would clear the way for marriage at once.

The crowd who were filling the air with shouts of "Morte!" "Abbasso l'Austria!" "Morte agli Austriaci!" crowded round the fallen trooper, while the officer tried to push forward towards the spot. But when he got within earshot, and could see also what was taking place, he saw the people immediately round the fallen man busily disengaging him from his horse! "O poverino! Ti sei fatto male? Orsu!

To give him an example, she broke forth, adapting her peculiarly American pronunciation to Ceccherelli's peculiarly Italian intonations, "'Non so resistere, sei troppo bella!" Gerald winced and darkened.