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But I had learned this much, that one Downy at least sometimes liked to be abed on cold mornings. Perhaps he knew that there was no early worm about at this season. Birds and the Night. It may be that others of our winter birds also make excavations for sleeping quarters; the Chickadee and Nuthatch very probably do so, although I have never found them thus engaged.

We had twined the pure white flowers she loved around and amongst the rich dark masses of wavy hair, and she looked like a beautiful bride more than a tenant for the grave. The memory of that day will live ever in our minds. It was the last day of summer, and there seemed a beautiful appropriateness in the season; it seemed to us that the summer of our hearts had gone with her.

It was as follows: Hall my boy! coming to us with a ton full of reason, Bringing that, what now is most of season: The best of these we did meet since years In a period of apprehensions and fears. You are, no doubt of those good hearted fellows, Who like to lead the men through friendly meadows; God bless always your noble, humane aim, And give to it the success you do claim.

There are, however, many things peculiar to the human family life that are found in no animal species below man. The most striking of these differences may be mentioned. Man has no pairing season, as practically all other animals have. The number of young born in the human species is on the whole much smaller than in any other animal species.

The Florida gallinule is in general pretty silent, I think; but he has a noisy season; then he is indeed noisy enough.

Here in Baton Rouge I only see one once in a great while, and it would require perhaps a good many days' work at the present season to get as good specimens and as many of them as you require." Yellow fever was one of the worst obstacles that confronted the French when they were attempting to build the Panama Canal.

"In the season, yes, but it is not that, it is our climate and our hot closed-up rooms, and the impossibility of taking proper exercise. In the summer you will not know them for the same faces." And then she kissed her goddaughter good-night, but just at the door she paused. "You were not shocked about the Alexandrian dancers, I hope, child?" she said.

I had been invited for the trout season, but should, probably, have finished my visit early in the summer had it not been that upon fair days, when the grass was dry, and the sun not too hot, and there was but little wind, there strolled beneath the lofty elms, or passed lightly through the bosky shades, the form of my Madeline. This lady was not, in very truth, my Madeline.

His own health, he told me, had greatly improved; and a novel he had written in his leisure time promised to be one of the successes of the season. Then it was that I spoke plainly. "If I am opening a wound too painful to be touched," I said, "tell me. If, on the contrary, it is an ordinary sort of trouble upon which the sympathy of a fellow worker may fall as balm, let me hear it."

It is fairly beyond question that the killing of wild game for the market, and its sale in the "open season" and out of it, is responsible for the disappearance of at least fifty per cent of our stock of American feathered game.