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"Yes," replied Tara, "he was here some time ago." The man glanced quickly about the bare chamber and then searchingly first at Tara of Helium and then at the slave girl, Lan-O. The puzzled expression upon his face increased. He scratched his head. "It is strange," he said.

"I don't think she's mad," said Radmore frankly, "but she's a pretty vicious brute, Timmy. Is this the first time she's ever flown at anyone?" He looked searchingly at his godson. "The very first time of all," answered the boy passionately. "I know why Josephine flew at Mrs. Crofton at least she didn't fly at her at Mrs. Crofton. She flew at the dog Mrs. Crofton always has with her."

So they remained over against one another, seeming respectively to question with a yearning desire. But the moments were flitting, and each second seemed to emphasize the silence between them. They gazed at one another more and more searchingly, as if in solemn expectation of some wonderful, exquisite event, which was too long in coming.

But ther' ain't no tellin', an' we're slack since the harvest. I 'lows the notion's tol'ble. Mebbe they'll be quiet some now Rosebud's gone." There was a quiet emphasis on Seth's final speculation. "I heard she'd gone away for a bit." Nevil looked searchingly at this man whom he hated above all men. "Gone for good," Seth said, with an admirable air of indifference. "How?" Nevil suddenly sat up.

With stealthy steps these two innocent heathen drew near the spot, and looked searchingly at the recumbent form of the eminent representative of American civilization. Ah Sin turned to Ah Jim with a pleased smile. "All light!" he said. "'Melican man asleep." A similar smile lighted up the face of Ah Jim. "'Melican man sleep sound," he said; "no wake up."

It was some time before Barthorpe succeeded in getting an answer to his ring and knock; when at last the door was opened Burchill himself looked out upon him, yawning, and in a dressing-gown. And narrowly and searchingly as Barthorpe glanced at Burchill he could not see a trace of unusual surprise or embarrassment in his face. He looked just as any man might look who receives an unexpected caller.

Some one plucked it, threw it up and it fell in my lap one day at the creek." He looked at her searchingly. They heard McElwin in the garden calling his wife, "Lucy, oh, Lucy. Where are you?" "Eva, I have not been honorable with you I have held you not as a protector I have held you selfishly I love you." "Lucy, where are you?" the banker called.

But the kind eyes looked down at her so searchingly, so gravely, that her own eyes filled with tears. "Come, come," said the voice, "this won't do at all. You must not lose your grip, you know. It will be all right to-morrow. Take the afternoon off and get out into the fresh air." And something in his voice something in his grave, steady, eyes told her made her feel that he understood.

Darrell cried, as soon as they were within speaking distance; "say, but this is glorious to see you here! How long have I kept you waiting?" "A few hours, but that does not matter; it does us good to have to stop and call a halt on ourselves once in a while. How are you, my son?" And as the two grasped hands the elder man looked searchingly through the gathering dusk into the face of the younger.

But until she had done and, with Norton's help, had made Lane as comfortable as possible upon his crude bed, she gave no answer to their mute pleading. Then she sat down upon the stone floor, caught her knees up in her clasped hands, and looked long and searchingly into Brocky Lane's face.