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Lucas won't be here and now the weather is so fine I want to make haste with the hay." "Well, will you have the samp for breakfast?" "No we'll keep that for dinner. I'll come in and poach some eggs, Barby, if you'll make me some thin pieces of toast and call me when it's time. Thin, Barby." The gentleman turned his horse and galloped back to Montepoole.

From this time on the fort was almost besieged by Indians who lay in ambush around it, watching and waiting for a chance to attack any of the garrison who might venture out. One day two men were "beating samp at the Garden Pales," not far from the fort, when the sentinels called to them to run in quickly because a number of Pequots were creeping up to catch them.

"Big hominy" and "little hominy," as they are called in the South, are staple dishes there and generally take the place of oatmeal, which is apt to be too heating for the climate. The former is called "samp" here. It must be boiled for at least eight hours to be properly cooked, and may then be kept on hand for two or three days and warmed over, made into croquettes or balls, or fried in cakes.

Roger Williams said that "nassaump, which the English call Samp, is Indian corne beaten & boil'd and eaten hot or cold with milke or butter and is a diet exceeding wholesome for English bodies."

Game had become so plentiful, owing to the ravages of the war, that a fat deer was shot near the water, and, when they added coffee and samp from their own stores, they had a feast. Robert ate with a tremendous appetite, and then, wrapping himself in his blanket, lay down under a tree. But he did not go to sleep for a long time. He was full of excitement.

Sez I, "If you want to make me happy in corn, Josiah Allen, take it to the mill and grind it into samp or good fine meal. You and Ury can't bring happiness to me by paintin' me in corn, so dismiss the thought to once, for I will not be took." "Yes, break it up," sez he bitterly; "you always do, if I branch out into anything uneek." It wuz some time before I could quiet him down.

That was the time when Samp should have been grubbing at his law books, but nary a grub for him. He was playing horse for dear life. And right there the fellows all left him behind. Some were buying real estate for speculation; some running for office; some starting a bank; and others lending money at two per cent. a month, and leading in the prayer-meeting.

That worthy was leisurely smoking a cigarette in a quiet corner, and was making the smoke curl up gracefully over the hairy tuft on his nose. Sampey was paler than usual and a little nervous, for the business of his visit was tinged with hazard. Bat, who happened to feel good-natured, gave the first greeting. "Hey!" he called out. Sampey went straight to him. "You lika da show, ha, Samp?

He craved bread, or at least something that would take its place, and samp, a variation of which is known as hominy, was a most acceptable substitute. "You are, in truth, a most efficient burglar, Tayoga," he said. "I obtained also information," continued the Onondaga. "While I lay in one of the lodges, hidden under furs, I heard two of the old men talking.

Poor Myrtle! I wonder where she is. I see this Arizona paper doesn't say anything about her." Colonel Morrison read over the item again, and smiled as he proceeded: "But it does say that he occupied many places of honour and trust in his former home in Kansas, which seems to indicate that whisky made old Samp a liar as well as a loafer at last.