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The skeleton sank backwards like a drunken man; the lamps began to sway on their chains, the salt-cellar was spilt on the table. "Ohioh!" cried Alcibiades, "Tralall! Ha! Ha! Ha! The table wobbles, the sofa rocks; am I drunk, or is the room drunk?" All were alarmed, but Socrates commanded quiet. "A god is near! The earth shakes, and I hear ... does it thunder? No! That is an earthquake."

Mr Merdle, a little troubled by Bar's eloquence, looked fitfully about the nearest salt-cellar for some moments, and then said hesitating: 'They are perfectly aware, sir, of their duty to Society. They will return anybody I send to them for that purpose. 'Cheering to know, said Bar. 'Cheering to know.

Tom was in unusually high spirits, and appeared wholly bent upon his Canadian expedition. "Mr. C must have been very eloquent, Mr. Wilson," said I, "to engage your attention for so many hours." "Perhaps he was," returned Tom, after a pause of some minutes, during which he seemed to be groping for words in the salt-cellar, having deliberately turned out its contents upon the tablecloth.

It was his custom always to think out his speeches, mentally wording them, and then memorizing them by a peculiar system of mnemonics which he had invented. On the dinner-table a certain succession of knife, spoon, salt-cellar, and butter-plate symbolized a train of ideas, and on the billiard-table a ball, a cue, and a piece of chalk served the same purpose.

A thing unheard-of, stupendous, marvelous! instead of the meager and unattractive stew, brought every morning to these young people by the departed housekeeper, Madame Seraphin, an enormous cold turkey, served up on an old paper box, ornamented the middle of one of the tables of the office, flanked by two loaves of bread, some Dutch cheese, and three bottles of sealed wine; an old leaden inkstand, filled with a mixture of salt and pepper, served as a salt-cellar; such was the bill of fare.

Pepper and spices are forbidden by our rule, and as no salt-cellar has place on our table, we swallow our food just as it is, and it is for the most part scarcely salted. "On certain days in summer, when one sweats in big drops, this becomes almost impossible, the gorge rises.

I thought of pawning a book or something of that sort, but I could think of nothing of obvious value in the house. My mother's silver two gravy-spoons and a salt-cellar had been pawned for some weeks, since, in fact, the June quarter day. But my mind was full of hypothetical opportunities. As I came up the steps to our door, I remarked that Mr.

A battered, shapeless metal vessel seemed to represent the salt-cellar, and next to it Hugh Sorel seated himself, and kept a place for her beside him. Otherwise she would hardly have had seat or food. She was now able to survey the inmates of the castle. Besides the family themselves, there were about a dozen men, all ruffianly-looking, and of much lower grade than her father, and three women.

On a bed of fresh ferns two large flat leaves were placed opposite each other; these were to serve for plates; and on a very much larger leaf, long and narrow, which is as it should be for a dish, the perch was placed, garnished with a border of watercress. Another leaf, but very small, served as a salt-cellar, also another holding the dessert.

In the left corner behind the door were three minute quarter-circle shelves, containing a roll of bedding, a wooden salt-cellar, a wooden spoon, and a comb and brush, each about four inches long. In the opposite corner under the window stood the plank bed, and on the floor were three tin utensils a dust-pan, a water-can, and a nondescript lidded article for baser uses.