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Andy, they look they look magnificent!" Ruth was quivering on her perch. Janie flung prudence and dignity to the winds, and climbed to Ruth's side, and, being taller, gained a portion of the crack above the girl's head. "I can see no one but the General!" she said. "The crack is over-narrow for such doings!" "There is no one but Washington!" breathed Andy, and he lifted his head proudly.

"Worse than that," returned Ruth. "I am afraid of them all. I don't believe they mean us well. Let's get out, Helen." "Oh! where shall we go?" returned her friend, in a tone quite as soft as Ruth's own. "We must be somewhere near the town." "It is pitch dark outside the windows," complained Helen. "Let's try it. Pitch dark is not as bad as this wicked old creature "

If Ruth's temper lived in our families, they would be true 'houses of God' and 'gates of heaven. We hear in Ruth's words also that forsaking of all things which is an essential of all true religion. We have said that it was difficult to separate, in the words, the effects of love to Naomi from those of adoption of Naomi's faith.

"Stay here all night!" cried the five young people, as they sank down into five hard wooden chairs in utter despair. "Harriet, have you seen Ruth's automobile?" Bab asked, as Charlie Meyers' car got safely out of Alexandria and started on the road toward Washington. Harriet and Peter both looked around and strained their eyes in the darkness. But there was no sign of Ruth or her party.

She had worn it last during a period of entire mental prostration, which had succeeded all too soon an exciting discovery of mushrooms in the glebe. Mr. Alwynn's heart and Ruth's sank as they caught sight of it again. With a dignity befitting the occasion, Mrs.

Hollo rumbled in his throat. "Hush!" she said. Presently she saw Spurlock on the way to the lagoon. He walked with bent head. After quarter of an hour, she followed. The unexpected twist his disclosure to McClintock had given Spurlock but temporary relief. The problem had returned, made gigantic by the possibility of Ruth's love. The thought allured him, and therein lay the danger.

Now, Bab knew Ruth would ask her no questions and would grant her request without a moment's hesitation or loss of faith. The sympathy between Ruth and Barbara was very deep and real. It was one thing for Barbara Thurston to decide to appeal to Ruth's ever-ready generosity, but another thing actually to make her demand. The two girls lay on Ruth's bed, resting.

Let's hear from everybody, and see which girl has the best thought along this line. We want a way of making money in which everyone can join." "I don't see," complained Nettie, "how you are going to do it." "Never mind. Don't worry," said Mercy. "'Great oaks from little acorns grow, and a fine idea will sprout from the germ of Ruth's suggestion, I have no doubt."

But the yellow man was the next to speak, and he crossed right over to our Miss Ruth's side, and talked in her ear in a voice you could have heard up at the hills. "You'll not be going aboard to-day, lady. Why, what would the master have to say, he coming home from foreign parts and you not ashore to meet him?

Nevertheless, Ruth's finished script, as handled deftly by the continuity writer, promised so well that the producer was willing to make a special production of it. The money and time cost were important factors in the making of the picture; but the selection of the cast was not to be overlooked.