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He was about to close the door when the prolonged rustle of a trailing skirt in the passage attracted his attention. The sound was so unlike that made by any garment worn by Rosey that he remained motionless, with his hand on the door. The sound approached nearer, and the next moment a white veiled figure with a trailing skirt slowly swept past the room.

The front door of Squire Merritt's house stood open into the hall the night was so warm, some girls in white were coming down the wide spiral of stair within, pressing softly together like scared white doves, in silence save for the rustle of their starched skirts.

Without a word my uncle glided away; then I heard a rustle as of paper; there was the faint glow of a match dipped in a phosphorus bottle, the illumination of a large loose piece of paper, and then a torch was lit, showing us Garcia standing upon the extreme verge of the rocky point over the gulf; and at the same moment he drew the trigger of a pistol, to produce only a flash of the pan, which revealed to him his perilous position.

And sometimes there was a rustle and a sweep through the air in a passage, or a creak, or a sense of waiting which was almost a sound. "Perhaps some of them have gone when they have been as I am," he had said one black night, when he had sat in his room staring at the floor. "If a man was dragged out when he had not LIVED a day, he would come back I should come back if God!

The five accordingly laughed, but the laughs were soundless. Their eyes twinkled, their lips twitched, but the canebrake, save for the ceaseless rustle of the singing wind, was as silent as ever. No one five feet away would have known that anybody was laughing.

The little red crested cross bill twittered in front of her from spray to spray of the purple fire weed and fern fronds; then, concluded that she was only a part of this out door world, anyway, and went back about his business on the trail behind. Two or three times, there was a vague rustle in the leaves that she couldn't localize water ouzel in moss covert, or hawk babies in hiding, or or what?

Taynton opened his lips to speak, but no sound came from them. "Please answer the question." If there had been a dead hush before, succeeding the rustle that had followed the suggestions about the stick, a silence far more palpable now descended. There was no doubt as to what the suggestion was now. The counsel for the prosecution broke in.

Joy, frozen behind her curtains, heard a little rustle, as if he was taking her hand, and her protest "Oh, Dicky, don't they'll see us!" "Not a bit," said he cheerfully. "They're all looking at dear Grandpapa, the Angora Poet oldest in captivity to be reading his own sonnets. Bet you it's about the little girl, poor kid he seems to be looking around for her." "Sonnets?

Just then there was another faint rustle, and through the screen of leaves Hilary saw the head and then the shoulders of a strongly-built man appear, whose eyes were diligently searching every inch of ground till he came nearer, and then, as his gaze lighted on the screen of leaves Hilary saw a look of intelligence come upon his stolid features, and stepping forward, he was about to drag the leafage aside, when there came a loud shout from below

When, finally, we made along the narrow footpath skirting the west of the grounds, the night was silent most strangely still. The trees met overhead, but no rustle disturbed their leaves and of animal life no indication showed itself. There was no moon. A full appreciation of my mad folly came to me, and with it a sense of heavy depression.