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Once the piece was accepted it passed into the domain of the theatre, and the actors felt at liberty to interpret the roles according to their ideas and traditions. She had a perfect diction; it was a delight to hear her. She recited one night one of Alphonse Daudet's little contes, "Lettres de Mon Moulin," I think, beginning "Qui n'a pas vu Avignon du temps des Papes n'a rien vu."

Le clergyman commença. Sans doute, la saison était fort sèche, car il demanda d'abord au ciel d'envoyer de la pluie. Mais le duc l'interrompit: "Inutile; rien

Que d'ane et de beu je sai Dans ce royaume de Gaule, Que d'ane et de beu je sai Qui n'en a rien pas tan fai." The surgeon, his wife and the vicar sang together: "Que d'ane et de beu je sai Dans ce royaume de Gaule, Que d'ane et de beu je sai Qui n'en a rien pas tan fai."

They soon got introductions, through the Abbe Morellet, into that best circle of society, 'which was composed of all that remained of the ancient men of letters, and of the most valuable of the nobility; not of those who had accepted of places from Buonaparte, nor yet of those emigrants who have been wittily and too justly described as returning to France after the Revolution, sans avoir rien appris, ou rien oublie. . . . 'We felt, Maria writes, 'the characteristic charms of Parisian conversation, the polish and ease which in its best days distinguished it from that of any other capital.

Je ne dirai qu'un mot sur la description de la Palestine par Brochard, parce que l'original Latin ayant, été imprimé elle est connue, et que Miélot, dans le préambule de sa traduction, assure, ce dont je me suis convaincu, n'y avoir adjousté rien de sien. Brochard, de son côté, proteste de son exactitude. Non seulement il a demeuré vingt-quatre ans dans le pays, mais il l'a traversé dans son double diamètre du nord au sud, depuis le pied de Liban jusqu'

"Il n'y a rien dans l'histoire du monde de comparable aux forces navales de l'Angleterre,

As to the rest, I think of inconstancy, or infidelity, as it is called, much as our good La Fontaine did "Quand on le sait, c'est peu de chose quand on ne le sait pas, ce n'est rien." To promise to love one person eternally! What a terrible engagement! It freezes my heart even to think of it.

The national railroad scheme of Austria is certainly the most splendid effort of the tout pour le peuple rien par le peuple system that has been hitherto seen; the scheme is the first of its class: but its class is not the first, not the best in the abstract, but the best in an absolute country, where the spirit of association is scarcely in embryo. From Vienna to Cracow is now but a step.

"Yes, it seems to me that that is an excellent name.... We will, then, consider her name Rien." He laughed once more. "Because of certain reasons," he went on, "I'm afraid that my paternal duties must cease with the naming of our child." He turned to the dying woman upon the bed. "Bon voyage, mam'selle eh, pardon, madame," he said. He lifted his hat, bowing. To the old woman he turned.

"Rien ne va plus!" called the croupier; but no coins had fallen on the green cloth, and the wheel stopped spinning for the night, as though by common consent. "Krool will murder you some day, Barry," said Fleming, with irritation. "What's the sense in saying things like that to a servant?" "How long ago did Rudyard leave?" asked De Lancy Scovel, curiously. "I didn't see him go.