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They participated in most of the predatory excursions into Kentucky. They were present at the celebrated attack on Bryant's station; they fought with their characteristic bravery in the battle of the Blue Licks, and participated in colonel Byrd's hostile excursion up Licking river, and the destruction of Martin's and Riddle's stations.

Mary's Church Wilson guarded all the roads toward White Oak Swamp and Riddle's Shop, McIntosh's brigade joining him on the 14th, by way of Long Bridge, as the rear of the Army of the Potomac passed the Chickahominy. In the performance of this duty Wilson did not have to fight any engagement of magnitude, for the bulk of the enemy's cavalry had followed me to Trevillian.

"You an officer, jackanapes; why we should want a cow on board to give you milk." "What is your name?" I asked, determined not to be put down. "Gregory Growles," answered the seaman. "Well, look, Gregory Growles, if that's your name, I understand sailing this cutter as well as you do," and I began to explain how I was wont to navigate her according to Riddle's instructions.

If you're a friend of old Riddle's, I don't suppose you'll have any ill-feeling against the smugglers. So now, good-night. You would have saved us a long run if you hadn't been in such a hurry to get home." Thankful to escape so easily, I told the men I was sorry to have given them so much trouble. They accompanied me to a gate not far off, over which I climbed into the lane.

Bird, attacked Riddle's and Martin's stations, at the Forks of Licking River, with six pieces of artillery.

Perhaps one of the most painful circumstances connected with my imprisonment was the impossibility of calculating how the time went by. I remember that I suddenly awoke after dreaming that I was at a jolly picnic with old friends near Roger Riddle's cottage.

Riddle demanded. "In the window behind you," said Nick, calmly. This piece of information, to Mr. Riddle's plain discomfiture, was greeted with a roar of laughter, Mr. Darnley himself laughing loudest. Nor were these gentlemen satisfied with that. They crowded around Mr. Riddle and slapped him on the back, Mr. Darnley joining in with the rest. And presently Mr.

He advised me not to accept; said the paper was netting fifteen hundred a year, and that if I would retain my interest he would purchase Mr. Riddle's, get type, have all the work done in a separate establishment, and make it a decided success.

His mention of reinforcements with cannon, caused many a stout heart to tremble, and many a face to blanch and turn to its neighbor with an expression of dismay. Against cannon they knew, as Girty stated, resistance would be of no avail; and cannon had, in 1780, advanced up the Licking Valley, and destroyed Riddle's and Martin's stations. If Girty told the truth, their case was truly alarming.

Those two trains being always packed, nobody could see the escape from the one to the other, because people would be standing up in every compartment, and the windows completely blocked. But if Hullo! Victoria at last, thank goodness, 'and so to bed, as Pepys says. The riddle's solved, Mr. Narkom. Good-night!"