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To his mind, in the disorder of his brain, those two revolvers with which I threatened him could have no more effect than the useless weapons which had spared my life. He took up a large pebble and raised his hand to hurl it at my face. His two assistants did the same. And all the others were prepared to follow his example. "'Hands down! I cried, 'or I fire! The chief let fly his stone.

Ay, indeed, mi amo, white robbers; blancos, blancos y muy feos, carrai!" And Jose closed his fingers as if clutching some imaginary object. This appeal to my fears was in vain. I answered it by pointing to my revolvers and rifle, and to the well-filled belt of my henchman Gode.

They were not bent on willful destruction, but the whole mass was animated by an inchoate desire to find out something for itself. At the door of the rail mill stood the superintendent and his firemen, with drawn revolvers. The rioters liked these men because they worked with and understood them. They were not associated with the present trouble.

His need of some occupation forced him to assure himself, a dozen times over, that both revolvers were completely filled. Fortunately, the captors had not known enough to rob either Beatrice or him of the cartridge-belts they wore. How long a time passed? One hour, two, three? They could not tell.

Here were Colorado Jim and the pards on foundered horses, pursuing a rapid individual who was escaping only too easily. Never desert a comrade. The Triangle X boys uttered whoops, and joined the game at speed. Not gaining as rapidly as they wished, they produced long revolvers and began to shoot. It is a little difficult to hit anything from a running horse.

Half an hour later Holcomb came into his house and found Steve cleaning a pair of revolvers. The captain tossed his hat on the bed and sat down. "Up to us, looks like," he commented. Yeager nodded silently. "Harrison hadn't a look-in. The old scoundrel had the cards stacked," continued the officer. "Yep. Chad sat in against a cold deck. He made a big mistake when he let the old man take the play."

In the present instance, however, the passengers had been warned of their danger and were ready to meet it. Brown for, of course, the masked man was the landlord saw four revolvers leveled at him from inside the stage. "Let go that horse, my friend, or you are a dead man!" said Conrad Stiefel, calmly. "Two can play at your game."

As well as I could judge, she was long and slim, shaped like a spindle, without chimney, without masts, without rigging, such a shape as had been described when she was seen on the coast of New England. I returned to my place, with my men in the shelter of the ravine; and we looked to our revolvers, which might well prove of service.

Pandemonium fell on the room. The long riders raced here and there, the revolvers coughing fire. For an instant Hal Purvis stood framed against the pallid moonshine at the window. He stiffened and pointed an arm toward the door. "The werewolf," he screamed. As if in answer to the call, Black Bart raced across the room. Twice the revolver sounded from the hand of Purvis.

Get hold of a club as soon as you get down the hill. If we only had some more guns! There's only the two revolvers and Cork and I'll need those to put up a front. We'll join you as fast as possible if you get into trouble. Miss Lawson is an expert canoeist and the river is not difficult; so she'll be all right. Stick with Svenson, Jimmy."