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Was it true, on one side, that formal notice had a few days ago been given to our Government by the United States to terminate the Reciprocity Treaty? and was it true that that notice had been entirely unaccompanied by any overture or suggestion for a re- discussion of the question?

They saw he had ratted from courage and joined love. Heretofore his life had been all winter, darkened by storm and hurricane. The fiercer virtues had played the devil with him; every word was thunder, every look lightning; but now all that had passed away. Before he was the FORTITER IN RE; at present he was the SUAVITER IN MODO. His existence was perfect spring, beautifully vernal.

Can't you get me South 343? Why certainly they'll answer. Oh, Hello, 343? Wanta speak Mist' Riesling, Mist' Babbitt talking. . . 'Lo, Paul?" "Yuh." "'S George speaking." "Yuh." "How's old socks?" "Fair to middlin'. How 're you?" "Fine, Paulibus. Well, what do you know?" "Oh, nothing much." "Where you been keepin' yourself?" "Oh, just stickin' round. What's up, Georgie?"

While I formed these plans for the future, I little anticipated what events were in store for me, nor how soon I should be thrown among scenes and people totally different from those with which I had ever mixed before. "You mess with us, then, Burke, that's agreed," said Tascher. "They 're excellent fellows, these cuirassiers of ours, and I know you 'll like them."

"I'll send a excuse by Fidy, an' say you 're sick in bed. Then you kin stay home all day an' git the house cleaned up." "Naw, I won't," said Nance rebelliously, "I ain't goin' to miss ag'in." "You're goin' to shut up this minute, you sass-box, or I'll take you back to that there juvenile court. Git me a piece o' paper an' a pencil."

Me an' The Squarehead legs it together an' takes our chances. You don't hear that poor untootered Swede makin' no holler at the way I've handled the syndicate " "But, Gib, my dear boy," chattered Captain Scraggs, "will you just listen to re " "Enough! Too much is plenty. Let's shake hands an' part friends. We just can't get along in business together, that's all."

"I reckon I am, if it's any o' yer business." "Don't git hifty, old woman, or we 're liable to give you a lesson in politeness before we leave." The leader dropped the butt of his gun with a crash on the floor. "Where is the little sneak, anyhow?" "What do you want of him?" "Want him to go 'long with us; we 're hunting some parties, and need a guide.

Cum is literally 'attended by'; it is almost superfluous here, since vir haud magna re would have had just the same meaning. Madvig, Gram. § 258 has similar examples. PLENUS: final s was so lightly pronounced that the older poets felt justified in neglecting it in their scanning.

There are no limits on your liberty, but I would n't advise your going forward at present not until the men understand the situation they 're a hard lot." "Revolutionists?" "Hell, no; plain New Orleans wharf rats, the scouring of the Seven Seas." "Who is first mate the German?" "Yes, Herman, a fine sailor; was with the Hamburg people until he had a wreck.

"Now, as to yourself, my dear Beverley," continued the Marquis authoritatively, "you 're doocid late, y' know; but then " "He can ride," said the Viscount. "And he's game," nodded the Captain. "And, therefore," added the Marquis, "we'll see what can be done about it." "And b'gad, here's wishing you luck!" said the Captain.