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"Father could not see it, for I looked well and tried to think I felt so. Mark and Jessie were absorbed in baby Sylvia, and Prue was gone. You might have seen and helped me, for you have the intuitions of a woman in many things, but I could not send for you then because I could not give you what you asked.

Then, when ye be old, like me, an' full o' years 'tis a fine thing to 'ave a son o' your own like Simon an' a granddarter like my Prue 'tis worth 'aving lived for, Peter, ay, well worth it. It's a man's dooty to marry, Peter, 'is dooty to 'isself an' the world. Don't the Bible say summat about it not bein' good for a man to live alone? Every man as is a man should marry the sooner the better."

"Possibly they have gone home," said Miss Gilman, but a vague uneasiness took possession of her, and when the afternoon session commenced with both children absent, she determined to call after school at the Weston's and see if Prue were safe, at the same time sending the Babson girls home in haste to learn if Hi could be found. When Prue did not return at noon, Mrs.

All the stiffness of that first half-hour was now gone, and the rest of the stay was one riotous frolic, in which baby Ned, sweetened by a long nap and a good supper in Sara's arms, joined merrily; and, as Miss Prue watched the little party leave her gate in the late dusk, it was through misty eyes, for she could not help thinking of the home she might have known, had not the sea claimed her husband for its own.

Updyke's supervision to make her quite wretched; but Miss Prue, at the other end, happened to look up just in time to see the disconsolate air with which the girl drew her chair forward, and called out sharply, "Why, what are you doing over there, Sara?

"I've an idea, Miss Prue, that Bertha is quite in love with Killamet and its environs; she seems really enthusiastic. But how does it happen that Jasper is at home now?" "Well, the season is nearly over, and I believe his schooner is undergoing repairs he's his own master now, and goes and comes as he likes." "Yes; that must be pleasant!

The next day, as she sat with her favorite in the cool library, Molly being away on an errand, she asked, apropos of nothing, "Who is that Mr. Garth, Sara?" The young girl smiled. "Just what you see, Miss Prue; a college student, and seemingly a fine young man." "But where does he live?" "I believe in Trenton." "Know anything about his family?"

"It isn't diphtheria, papa, you know that," cried Prudence passionately. For there were four reported cases of that dread disease in Mount Mark. But the pain in Carol's chest did grow worse, and she became so feverish that she began talking in quick broken sentences. "It was too hot! Don't go away, Larkie! Her feet were wet, and it kept squshing out. I guess I'm kind of sick, Prue.

But I was never one that wanted many Superfluities; and having no Friends in the world, was of a most Contented Disposition. Some trouble, indeed, must I have with that luckless Mistress Prue, the Waiting-Maid sure, I did the girl no Harm, beyond whispering a little soft nonsense in her ear now and then.

Marjorie unbuttoned the gray cloak and drew off the gray gloves; Prue threw off the cloak and then lifted her foot for the rubber to be pulled off. "I had no rubbers; Aunt Prue bought these in New York." "Aunt Prue is very kind," said Marjorie, as the second little foot was lifted. "Does she buy you things, too?" asked Prue. "Yes, ever and ever so many things."