United States or Mexico ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Drew remained where he was, his left arm thrown protectingly across Boyd. "Now ain't this somethin'?" The man who had booted in the door was grinning down at the two on the hearth. He wore a blue coat right enough, but it was slick with old grease across the chest, stained on one shoulder, and his breeches were linsey-woolsey, his boots old and scuffed.

And these things, for the most part, off on the large grassy carpet spread for them, and with the elbow of the old city-wall, not elsewhere erect, respectfully but protectingly crooked about, to the tune of a usual unanimity save perhaps in the case of the Leaning Tower so abnormal a member of any respectable family this structure at best that I always somehow fancied its three companions, the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Campo Santo, capable of quiet common understandings, for the major or the minor effect, into which their odd fellow, no hint thrown out to him, was left to enter as he might.

"We're going to take her away," cut in Waldstricker, putting one hand in his pocket. "Where to?" demanded Young, laying the hat on the table. "To a to a " Waldstricker hesitated. The frown on Young's brow deepened. He had paused for the other's explanation, his under lip gathered between his teeth. Then, he laid his hand protectingly on that of the silent, white-faced girl.

The cheeks and the chin were soft and rounded and looked as though they might be very fat one day a double chin just peeped round the corner. He was a little bald on the top of his head and round this bald patch his black hair clustered protectingly. He gave you the impression that every part of his body was anxious that every other part of his body should have a good time.

But for now we'll have to call it 'X, and let it go at that." "The year X!" she whispered under her breath. "Good Heavens, am I as old as that?" He made no answer, but only drew her to him protectingly, while all about them the warm summer wind swept onward to the sea, out over the sparkling expanses of the bay alone unchanged in all that universal wreckage.

Kathlyn put her hand upon the child's head, protectingly. The child gazed up shyly, opened her little hand . . . and disclosed a yellow sovereign! The argument between the chief and his mutinous followers went on. "John," said Kathlyn, "you speak the dialect. I can understand only a word here and there. But listen.

Sheppard's eye first caught the outline of the huge, bold, time-blackened fort which frowned protectingly over surrounding log-cabins; then he saw the wide-sweeping river with its verdant islands, golden, sandy bars, and willow-bordered shores, while beyond, rolling pastures of wavy grass merging into green forests that swept upward with slow swell until lost in the dim purple of distant mountains.

Phebe folded her arms protectingly around him, and looked up appealingly at the tall, slender figure approaching. "Oh, Gerald, must you?" "Phebe, I can't have you spoil that boy so. I won't have him a liar and a gourmand; he's bad enough without that. Olly, stop bawling this moment." "I won't," screamed Olly.

And yet, somehow, the rascal had discovered that this hand floated above him protectingly, that it prayed for him and had softened the heart of his officer. Marschner tramped across the meadow in rage against himself. He was as ashamed as though some one had torn a mask from his face. Was it as easy as that to see through him, then, in spite of all the trouble he took?

"Then I am to understand," he exclaimed, "that you refuse to carry out the wishes of a United States Senator and of the President of the United States?" In front of Marshall, on his desk, was the little iron stamp of the consulate. Protectingly, almost caressingly, he laid his hand upon it. "I refuse," he corrected, "to place the seal of this consulate on a lie." There was a moment's pause.